A TEXT-BOOK OF DEDUCTIVE LOGIC FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS. BY P. K. RAY, D.Sc. (LOND. AND EDINB.), PROFESSOR OF LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY, DACCA COLLEGE. SECOND EDITION. London: MACMILLAN AND CO. 1886 [All Rights reserved.] D 13 My '96 BHC •R21 PREFACE. THE present work has been mainly prepared for the use of students. An attempt has been made to explain clearly and concisely the fundamental doctrines of Deductive Logic. The work consists of three Parts, with an Introduction and an Appendix. The first chapter of the Introduction treats, in the first place, of the definition and province of Logic, and then proceeds to the special subject of the book and lays down its scope and limits. The second chapter explains the fundamental principles of Deductive Logic. The three parts then treat successively of Terms, Propositions, and Deductive Reasoning. In the chapter on Immediate Inference, a full account is given of the generally accepted forms. The method of demonstration by circles, so extensively employed in this work, for proving both immediate and mediate inferences, is not new. "The use of circles," says Ueberweg, "as an aid in the demonstration of the doctrine of Syllogism, especially in Syllogistic proper, has been referred by modern logicians (e. g. by Mass, J. D. Gergonne, Bachmann, and Bolazano) to Euler. But Drobish [and Hamilton] have rightly remarked that, according to |