| Bibliography - 1862 - 786 pages
...Vignette by T. Wouluer, engraved by CH Jetns. 18mo. price 4s. 6d. ; morocco, 7s. 6d. ; extra, 10s. 6d. The CHILDREN'S GARLAND from the BEST POETS. Selected and arranged by COVENTRY PATMORB. Third Thousand, handsomely printed and bound in extra cloth, with a Vignette by T. Woolner,... | |
| American literature - 1863 - 518 pages
...vision was, that I had been reading a little volume, prettily printed and nicely bound, purporting to be The Children's Garland from the Best Poets, selected and arranged by Coventry Patmore. There I had been pleasantly reviving my recollection of many of the pieces, which I had been taught... | |
| Aeschylus - 1853 - 146 pages
...LYRICAL POEMS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Selected and arranged, with Notes, by FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE. THE CHILDREN'S GARLAND FROM THE BEST POETS. Selected and arranged by COVENTRY PATMORE. THE BOOK OF PRAISE. From the best English Hymn Writers. Selected and arranged by LORD SELBORNH. A New... | |
| Bernard Rölker - German language - 1854 - 338 pages
...FRANCIS TDRNER PALGRAVB, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 16шо. Green vellum . . • • . 1.25 The Children's Garland. From the best Poets. Selected and Arranged by COVENTRY PATMORE. 16mo. Red vellum . . 1.25 The Book of Praise. From the Best English HymnWriters. Selected and Arranged... | |
| Women - 1862 - 452 pages
...which they are written. It remains for us to subjoin a list of the principal children's books : — " The Children's Garland, from the best Poets," selected and arranged by Coventry Patmore. (Macmillan.) "The Children's Picture Book of Useful Knowledge," with 120 illustrations. (Bell and Daldy.)... | |
| Hugh Godfray - Lunar theory - 1859 - 164 pages
...Selected and arranged, with Notes, by FT PALGEAVE. TWENTIETH THOUSAND, with a Vignette by T. WOOLNER. THE CHILDREN'S GARLAND. FROM THE BEST POETS. Selected and Arranged by COVENTRY PATMORE. FIFTH THOUSAND, with Vignette by T. WOOLNEB. THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. By JOHN BUNYAN. With Vignette... | |
| 1861 - 788 pages
...By the Rev. GF CHILDE, MA Author of " Ray Surfaces," " Related Caustics." Svo. half-bound, 10». 6d. CHILDREN'S GARLAND. From the Best Poets. Selected and Arranged by COVENTRY PATMORE. With a vignette afrer a Desigu by T. WOOLNEB, engraved by CH jEiss. 1Smo. cloth, 4i. 6d. morocco plain,... | |
| English literature - 1861 - 192 pages
...volume more beautiful in appearance than this, or more deserving to be read."— Times, Jan. 1, 1862. THE CHILDREN'S GARLAND ;FROM THE BEST POETS. Selected and arranged by COVENTRY PATHORX. With a Vignette after a Design by T. Woolner, engraved by CH JKEHS. Uniform with the "Golden... | |
| David Gray - 1862 - 224 pages
...with the " GOLDEN TREASURY." Third Thousand, cloth, 4s. (>U. ; morocco, 7s. (id., extra, 10s. 6(2. THE CHILDREN'S GARLAND FROM THE BEST POETS SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY COVENTRY PATMORE. With a Vignette after a Design by T. WOOLNER, Engraved by CH JEENS. Uniform with " THE GOLDEN TREASURY."... | |
| Charles Kingsley - 1862 - 370 pages
...a more delightful companion than this." — Spectator. Uniform with the " GOLDEN TREASURY." 4s. 6d. THE CHILDREN'S GARLAND FROM THE BEST POETS , SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY COVENTRY PATMORE. With a Vignette after a Design b" T Wr.nT.NHj. FOOTNOTES FROM THE PAGE OF NATURE; OE, FIRST FOEMS OF... | |
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