CHANGES IN THE WORCESTER DIRECTORY Names in Directory of 1920 (including 2,791 deceased or removed).. The information in this book is gathered as far as possible by actual canvass, and is compiled in a way to ensure maximum accuracy. While the Publishers will in no way be held responsible for any errors that may occur, they will be glad to have any inaccuracies brought to their attention, so that they may be corrected in succeeding editions. SAMPSON & MURDOCK Co., Publishers. UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT LAW IN FORCE ON AND AFTER JULY 1, 1909 SECTION 28-That any person who wilfully and for profit shall infringe any copyright secured by this Act, or who shall knowingly and wilfully aid or abet such infringement, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not exceeding one year, or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or both in the discretion of the court. |