HANDLEY-PAGE BOMBERS OVER ZEEBRUGGE, 1918 From the painting "The Attack", by Captain C. E. Turner, R.A. F., in the Art Section of the Imperial War Museum, London. 248046 SEP -7 1921 STS 057 PREFACE J In this book an endeavour has been made to set forth the romance of triumph in the realms of an element which has defied man for untold centuries. It is fitting that the younger generation of a great air-faring nation which rightly claims the Mastery of the Air-whether in deadly conflict with the savageries of the elements, or in mortal combat with human foes-should realize the enormous debt which the modern airman and constructor owe to those who worked and won before them. In these days marvels succeed each other with increasing rapidity; indeed, our imaginations become jaded, and our minds surfeited with wonders. In such circumstances it is hard to strike the balance of appreciation, but, in our wonder at the mighty achievements of a Trans-Atlantic air-liner, we have no right to ignore the attempts in human flight-no less mighty for their day-of a Montgolfier or a Blériot. In this Third Edition the book has been almost entirely re-written in the light of the marvellous |