TABLE 26.-Persons engaged in selected occupations, by sex and place of birth: 1907. 419 181872323 : : 3055092 53 61 93 11 88 38 1 14 111 25 109 3 431 Total. SEX AND OCCUPATION. 1,130 MALES. Actors... Apprentices...... ..... Architects and draftsmen. Artists. Bakers. Bankers, brokers, capitalists, and financiers. Barbers and hairdressers.. Blacksmiths. Bleachers, dyers, and scourers... Boarding house, hotel, restaurant, and saloon keepers. Boilermakers... Boxmakers (wooden). Bookbinders.. Bookkeepers. Brickmakers. Broom and brush makers. Builders and contractors. Butchers.... Cabinetmakers... Carpenters..... Carriage and wagon makers. Charcoal burners. Cigar factory operatives. Clergymen... Clerks and copyists. Confectioners... Coopers.. Dairymen. Dentists.... Draymen and hackmen. Dressmakers... Electricians.... Engineers (civil, etc.), and surveyors. Farmers, planters, and farm laborers. Engravers... Firemen (not locomotive). Fishermen.. Gardeners and florists. Gold and silver workers. Harnessmakers...... Hostlers.... Total. Cuba. Spain. United States. China. Africa. Other countries. TABLE 26.-Persons engaged in selected occupations, by sex and place of birth: 1907-Continued. 175 2,304 97 1,336 64 511 470 390 75 171 97 68 3 1 324 226 79 13 326 6 30,319 9,567 76 916 352 537 616 586 2 282 1 40 Journalists..... Laborers (not specified). 41,767 Launderers.. 1,527 Lawyers... 1,347 Literary and scientific persons. Lumbermen. 1,498 12,161 7,917 Painters.... 2,428 Printers, lithographers, etc.... 1,784 1,495 Ropemakers... Sail, awning, and tent makers. Sailors and boatmen. 6,446 Salesmen.. 32,208 Servants... 15,934 Ship and boat builders. Shirtmakers.. Shoemakers... 6,829 Soldiers and policemen. Steam railway employees. Stenographers and typewriters Stock raisers.. Stonecutters... Engineers (civil), and surveyors. 715 259 440 2 14 12 4832141 46 6 116 41 12 6 17 Total. Cuba. Spain. United States. China. Africa. Other countries. TABLE 26.-Persons engaged in selected occupations, by sex and place of birth: 1907-Continued. Street railway employees.. Sugarmakers...... Tailors. Tanners. Teachers.. Telegraph and telephone operators. Tinners... Trunk and leather-case makers. Veterinary surgeons..... Watch and clock makers. Weavers and lace makers. Wood choppers... Actresses. FEMALES. Agents (real estate), collectors and commercial travelers.. 26 Apprentices... Architects and draftsmen. Artists. Bakers. 104 1 719181 0101 15 2 1 48 36 Confectioners.. 10 10 Dentists...... 5 4 Dressmakers. Farmers, planters, and farm laborers. 3,110 2,843 63 77 4291 17 Housekeepers... 34 29 Huckster and peddlers. 140 90 Janitresses... 262 255 Total. Cuba. Spain. United States. China. Africa. Other countries. TABLE 26.-Persons engaged in selected occupations, by sex and place of birth: 1907-Continued. 154 5 16 5 591 4 543 1 Journalists.. Laborers (not specified). Laundresses.. Lawyers.... Literary and scientific persons. Masons.. 24,016 23,187 33 441 6 2 2 Nurses... 576 432 120 8 1 Printers, lithographers, etc. 33 32 1 Ropemakers.. 2 2 Saleswomen.. 116 63 25 202 3,571 Shirtmakers. 3 3 Shoemakers.. 19 16 3 12 3723.81 108 TABLE 27.-Persons engaged in selected occupations, by provinces: 1907. OCCUPATION. Cuba. Camagüey. Habana City of Habana. Matanzas. Oriente. Pinar del Río. Santa Clara. 92 70 68 4 6 12 773 63 402 372 64 108 17 119 429 4 325 302 8 55 37 Bakers. 6,162 371 1,372 680 585 2,056 495 1,283 4 1,647 1,303 212 257 210 462 Total....... 772,502 42,882 1229,605 138,906 92,399 151,553 84,655 171,408 Actors.. Agents (real estate), collectors, and com mercial travelers. Apprentices.. 1,140 Architects and draftsmen. Artists. Bankers, brokers, capitalists, and financiers. 2,792 Barbers and hairdressers. 5,039 Blacksmiths. 3,668 Bleachers, dyers and scourers. Boarding house, hotel, restaurant, and saloon keepers...... Boilermakers. Brickmakers. Butchers..... Charcoal burners. 2,516 Cigar factory operatives. 27,503 Clergymen... Clerks and copyists. 26,483 Confectioners. Dairymen Dentists.... Draymen and hackmen 10,199 Dressmakers.. 2,337 Engravers.... Fishermen.... 1,693 1 Includes figures for city of Habana. |