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" From a given point to draw a straight line equal to a given straight line. Let A be the given point, and BC the given straight line; it is required to draw from the point A a straight line equal to BC. "
Euclid's Elements of Geometry: Chiefly from the Text of Dr. Simson, with ... - Page 7
by Robert Potts - 1860 - 361 pages
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The Elements of Euclid: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago ...

Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1762 - 488 pages
...the given point, and BC the given ftraight line ; it is required to draw from the point A a ftraight line equal to BC. From the point A to B draw • the ftraight line AB ; and upon it defcribe b the equilateral triangle DAB, and produce c the ftraight...
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The Elements of Euclid, Viz: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have ...

Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1775 - 534 pages
...the given point, and BC the given ftraight line ; it is required to draw from the point A a ftraight line equal to BC. From the point A to B draw * the ftraight line AB ; and upon it deferibe b the equilateral triangle DAB, and produce ' the ftraight...
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The First Six Books: Together with the Eleventh and Twelfth

Euclid - 1781 - 552 pages
...the given point, and BC the given ftraight line; it is required to draw from the point A a ftraight line equal to BC. From the point A to B draw " the ftraight line AB ; and upon it defcribe b the equilateral 'triangle DAB, and produce c the ftraight...
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The Elements of Euclid: Also the Book of Euclid's Data ...cor. viz. The ...

Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1804 - 528 pages
...the given point, and BC the given ftraight line ; it is required to draw from the point A a ftraight line equal to BC. From the point A to B draw » the ftraight line AB ; and upon it defcribe1' the equilateral triangle D AB, and produce c the ftraight...
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Elements of Geometry: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with a ...

John Playfair - Mathematics - 1806 - 320 pages
...point to draw a straight line equal to a given straight line. Let A be the given point, and BC the given straight line ; it is required to draw from the point A a straight line equal to BC. Book I. d 3. Pott, e U. Def. f 19. Def. g 3. Ax. hi. Ax. From the point A to B draw* the straight line...
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The Elements of Euclid: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago ...

Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1806 - 548 pages
...perpendicular to a plane, from a given point above it. 9 Let A be the given point above the plane BH ; it is required to draw from the point A a straight line perpendicular to the plane BH. In the plane draw any straight line BC, and from the point A a 12. 1....
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The Elements of Euclid: Viz. the First Six Books, Together with the Eleventh ...

Euclid - Geometry - 1810 - 554 pages
...point to draw a straight line equal to a given straight line. Let A be the given point, and BC the given straight line; it is required to draw from the...BC. From the point A to B draw the straight line AB; and upon it describe h the equilateral triangle DAB, and produce c the straight lines- DA, DB, to E...
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The Elements of Euclid; viz. the first six books, together with the eleventh ...

Euclides - 1814 - 556 pages
...point to draw a straight line equal, to a given straight line. Let A be the given point, and BC the given straight line; it is required to draw from the point A a straight line equal toBC. Froin the point A to B draw 0 /^ ix 1\ 'i Poet. the straight line AB; and upon it describeb the...
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The Elements of Euclid: Viz. the First Six Books, Together with the Eleventh ...

Euclides - 1816 - 592 pages
...perpendicular to a plane, from a given point above it. Let A be the given point above the plane BH ; it is required to draw from the point A a straight line perpendicular to the plane BH. In the plane draw any straight line BC, and from the • IS. 1. point...
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Elements of Geometry: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid: With a ...

John Playfair - 1819 - 354 pages
...point to draw a straight line equal to a given straight line. Let A be the given point, and BC the given straight line ; it is required to draw, from...straight line equal to BC. From the point A to B draw (1. Post.) the straight line AB ; and upon it describe (1. 1.) the equilateral triangle DAB, and produce...
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