Prelector of St. John's College, Cambridge. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the University and the Higher Classes in Schools. Euclidian Geometry - Page 15by Francis Cuthbertson - 1874 - 349 pagesFull view - About this book
| Friedrich Zander - 1834 - 488 pages
...Works by S. PARKINSON, DD, FRS, Tutor and 1 nvlcclor of St. John's College, Cambridge. AN ICUCMKNTARY TREATISE ON MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes...University and the Higher Classes in Schools. With ft Collection of Examples. Fifth edition, revised Crown 8vo. cloth. 9.r. 6,/. A TRKATISE ON OPTICS.... | |
| Bibliography - 1862 - 786 pages
...of St. John's College, Cambridge. Ninth Edition, crown Svo. cloth, 7s. Od. A TREATISE on ELEMENTARY MECHANICS. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the...Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. By S. PARKINSON, BD Fellow and Assistant Tutor of St. John's College, Cambridge. Second Edition, crown... | |
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...Master of Grantham Grammar School. Crown Svo. cloth, Sa. fid. A Treatise on Elementary Mechanic* : for the use of the Junior Classes at the University,...Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. By S. PARKINSON, DD, President of St. John's College, Cambridge. Third Edition, revised. Crown Svo.... | |
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...Subjects and Changes. Three Parts are now ready, price Is. each. PARKINSON.— A Treatise on Elementary Mechanics. For the Use of the Junior Classes at the...Classes in Schools. With a Collection of Examples. By S. PARKINSON, BD Fellow and AssistantTutor of St. J ohn's College, Cambridge. Crown Svo. cloth,... | |
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...cloth, 10*. 6rf. BY S. PARKINSON, MA, Fellow and Astiilant Tutor of St. John's College, Cambridge. An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. For the use of...University, and the Higher Classes in Schools. With a copious Collection of Examples. Crown Svo. cloth, 9*. 6d. BY JB PHEAB, MA, Fellow of Clan College,... | |
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...the Duration of Evil : an Essay. Cr. 8vo., pp. 146. PARKINSON (S.) — An Elementary Treatise i HI Mechanics, for the use of the Junior Classes at the...Classes in Schools ; with a Collection of Examples. Cr. 8vo., pp. 294, cl. PETER PARLEY'S ANNUAL for 1850. PICTORIAL History of England ; being a History... | |
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...Notes by Hugh James Rose, B. Ü. New edit. 8vo. pp. 502, cloth. 12s. Parkinson (S ) — An Klemeniary Treatise on Mechanics, for the use of the Junior Classes...Classes in Schools; with a Collection of Examples. By S. Parkinson, BD Crown 8vo. (Cambridge), pp. 294, cloth. 9s. 6d. Pereira (J.) — The Elements of... | |
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...Crown 8vo. cloth, 10*. 6rf. BY S. PARKINSON, MA, and Atiitlaal Tatar of SI. Jokn'i College, Cambridge. An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. For the use of...University, and the Higher Classes in Schools. With a copious Collection of Examples. Crown 8vo. cloth, 9>. 6rf. BY JB PEEAR, MA, fellaut of Clare College,... | |
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...cloth, 10s. 6rf. BY S. PARKINSON, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Si. John's College, Cambridge. An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. For the use of...University, and the Higher Classes in Schools. With a copious Collection of Examples. Crown 8vo. cloth, 9*. 6<f. BY JB PHEAR, MA, Fellow of Clare College,... | |
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