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American animals appears Aspidella become biological body bone cable calcareous chemistry coast coccoliths College colored condition course deposits discovery disease ence endogamy Eocene Eozoic Eozoon Europe evidence evolution exist exogamy exogamy and endogamy experiments fact female fibula form of capture fossils give glauconite Glen Roy Glen Spean Globigerina ooze higher Hipparion horse human Huronian important insects investigations knowledge laboratory laws lectures limonites living marriage matter McLennan mechanical ment mind mineral Miocene Nature observation organic origin Orohippus petrifactions physical physiological plants Pliocene polyandry polygyny practical present Prof PROTOHIPPUS regard relations rocks scarcity of women scientific shark silicate Silurian skeleton Society species specimens structure student success supposed teeth theory things Thomson tion toes truth ulna University vegetable wife wife-stealing William Thomson wives