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Adam Smith advance in price agricultural amount Australia and California average Bastiat BELLES LETTRES capital causes character Chevalier circulation circumstances classes commercial commodities Comte Comte's consequently considerable Corn Laws cost Crown 8vo cultivation currency depreciation of gold doctrine economic rent economic science economists Edition effect England English ensemble Essays exchange-value existence extent Extra fcap fact fall favour foreign France FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE gold countries gold discoveries GOLDEN TREASURY SERIES gratuitous HEIR OF REDCLYFFE human Illustrations important increased supply India industry influence interest July labour laissez-faire land landlord laws less markets ment mode monetary movement nature operation phenomena POEMS Political Economy portion practical precious metals present principle production progress proportion quarry question render rent result rise in price scientific silver social society speculation story tenant theory tion trade value of gold value of money volume wages wealth whole
Popular passages
Page 11 - THE FAIRY BOOK; the Best Popular Fairy Stories. Selected and rendered anew by the Author of
Page 8 - From the higher mind of cultivated, all-questioning, but still conservative England, in this our puzzled generation, we do not know of any utterance in literature so characteristic as the poems of Arthur Hugh Clough."— FRASER'S MAGAZINE.
Page 51 - THE SONG BOOK. Words and Tunes from the best Poets and Musicians. Selected and arranged by JOHN HULLAH, Professor of Vocal Music in King's College, London.
Page 289 - The real price of everything, what everything really costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it. What everything is really worth to the man who has acquired it, and who wants to dispose of it or exchange it for something else, is the toil and trouble which it can save to himself, and which it can impose upon other people.
Page 44 - No man can read this poem without being struck by the fitness and finish of the workmanship, so to speak, as well as by the chastened and unpretending loftiness of thought which pervades the whole" — GLOBE. WORDS FROM THE POETS. Selected by the Editor of
Page 30 - So choice, so perfect, and so refined, so tender in feeling, and so scholarly in expression, that we look with special interest to everything that he gives us.
Page 42 - Vittoria Colonna, the celebrated Marchesa di Pescara, has received but cursory notice from any English writer, though in every history of Italy her name is mentioned with great honour among the poets of the sixteenth century. " In three hundred and fifty years" says her biographer, Visconti, "there has been no other Italian lady who can be compared to her." "It is written with good taste, with quick and intelligent sympathy, occasionally with a real freshness and charm of style" — PALL MALL GAZETTE....
Page 57 - Dryden's Poetical Works. Edited, with a Memoir, Revised Text, and Notes, by WD CHRISTIE, MA, of Trinity College, Cambridge, pp. Ixxxvii., 662.
Page 50 - THE BOOK OF PRAISE. From the best English Hymn Writers. Selected and arranged by LORD SELBORNE. A New and Enlarged Edition. THE FAIRY BOOK ; the Best Popular Fairy Stories. Selected and rendered anew by the Author of