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of the 'Christian altogether;' and yet his soul may be resting on the impregnable rock, and his life guarded, half unawares, by ministering spirits from God's presence. The reality of prayer is the meeting of the two spirits -the 'I' and the 'I AM'-unto communication, unto converse, unto interchange (with reverence be it spoken) of thought and speech, of life and love. Where this is, prayer is; though nothing be asked and nothing be given, save that ineffable grace of the Divine Presence, from which the earthly countenance shines, and men take knowledge of the man that he has been with Jesus. Then, in due season, then, in God's time, the transference will be easy and natural from the walking with God here to the seeing His face hereafter.

Brethren, it cannot be wicked to pray. It is no intruding into things forbidden. It is the visiting a home which was ours in our infancy, which shall be ours for ever when the childhood of our perfection shall at last be attained. Prayer is going home. Prayer is coming to Him who is our Rest. Prayer is awakening out of earth's sleep, letting in the light of day upon night's dark dank chamber, and beginning to live. Use it evermore as your refreshment and your recreation. Bodily exercise,' this day's Lesson tells us, 'profiteth little :' the life toward God, of which Prayer is the intensest, most vital moment, 'is profitable for all things.' See that you make it so. Make it tell upon the life that now is. Prove it now herewith-not by its

power to work wonders, to make sick men

suddenly whole, or 'a plague of rain and waters' a firmament swept and sparkling-but by its effect upon your life's life; by its chasing the demon of lust and the demon of cruelty and the demon of a diabolical selfishness, and making you the helper of the weak, and the comforter of the downcast, and the example of the wavering, and the delight of your friends, and the joy of your home. When you find that Prayer does something of this kind for you; that it will not dwell with sin, that it makes you strong for the soul's battle, that it is in you a reality and a power and a love; then you, and others with you, will have a proof not to be gainsaid, a proof worth ten thousand portents, whose gift is Prayer; you will know that such a boon, so pure, so peaceable, so beneficent, can have but

one source, one origin; is indeed from above;

cometh down, like wisdom, like hope, like

charity, from the Father of lights, with whom

is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

October 27, 1872.



The eyes of your understanding being enlightened.

IT IT is the prayer of St Paul for his beloved

Church of Ephesus. For persons, of whose Churchmanship, of whose Christ-membership, he has no doubt. Already called, believing, sealed with the Spirit. St Paul hears of their faith, hears of their love, ceases not to give thanks for them as he mentions them in his prayers-those wonderful, heaven-searching, earth-compassing prayers, which neither distance, nor isolation, nor imprisonment, nor (hardest to bear) compulsory inactivity, nor

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