1. Resolve into factors x3 + 3 x2 – 13 x · The exact divisors of 15 are 1, − 1, 3, 3, 5, — 5, 15, — 15. 15, the expression does not If we put 1 for x in x3 + 3x2 - 13 x x8+3x2-13 x 15 = (x + 1) (x2 + 2 x 15) = (x + 1)(x − 3) (x+5). An expression can sometimes be resolved into three or NOTE. more factors. 2. Resolve into factors x8 26 x 5. By trial we find that the only exact divisor of expression vanish is 5. Therefore, divide by x + 5, and we have 5 that makes the x3- 26 x 5 = (x + 5) (x2 — 5 x − 1). - 1, the exact divisors of As neither + 1 nor -1, will make x2 - 5x — 1 vanish, this expression cannot be resolved into factors. 136. A compound expression involving x and y is divisible by xy if the expression vanishes when+y is put for x; and is divisible by x+y if the expression vanishes when y is put for x. If n is a positive integer, prove by the Factor Theorem: Put y for x in xn+yn; then x2 + yn yn + yn = 2 yn. 2. xn Put y" is divisible by x + y, if n is even. y. y for x in xy", then " - yn = (— y)n — yn. If n is even, (— y)n = yn, and (— y)n — yn = yn — yn. As yn yn = 0, xn yn is divisible by x+y, if n is even. 3. x2 + y2 is divisible by x + y, if n is odd. + yn, then x2 + yn = (− y)n + yn. n= = Put y for x in x From § 134 and these three cases, we have 1. For all positive integral values of n, -1 x1 — yn = (x − y) (xn−1 + xn−2y + x2¬3y2 + ..... 2. For all positive even integral values of n, x2 — y2 = (x + y) (xn−1 — xn−2y + x2¬3y2 − 3. For all positive odd integral values of n, ..... x2 + yn = (x + y) (xn−1 — x2-2y + x2-3y2 — ..... +yn-1). 4. x+y" is never divisible by x by x+y, if n is even. NOTE. In applying the preceding rules for resolving an expression into factors, if the terms have a common monomial factor, this factor should be removed first. When an expression can be expressed as the difference of two perfect squares, the method of § 126 should be employed in preference to any other. |