A Treatise on Arithmetic |
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A Treatise on Arithmetic: Collected from the Works of Several Eminent ... J. Brookes No preview available - 2018 |
A Treatise on Arithmetic: Collected from the Works of Several Eminent ... J. Brookes No preview available - 2018 |
Common terms and phrases
alſo Annum Anſwer Barley Corns becauſe bought Buſhels carry Cent coft Compound coſt Cube Cyphers Days Decimal Fractions demand denomination divide Dividend Divifion Divifor Ells faid fame name fame rate Farthings faying Feet firſt Example firſt figure firſt number fourth number Gallons Gent given number Groſs hath Hhds Hogſheads hundred Inches Integer laft laſt Example leaſt leſs London MEASURE Miles Moidore Money Months Multiplicand Multiply multiply'd muſt neat weight obſerve Ounces Pence Perſon Pieces Pound Sterling preſent Price Product Proof quantity Quarters Queſtion Quotient remainder Rule of Three Sadler ſay ſecond Seconds ſee ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhare Shillings ſince Sliding Rule ſquare root ſtand ſtating Subtract ſum Suppoſe Tare theſe third number thoſe three-halfpences TROY WEIGHT Vulgar Fraction Weeks What's the Decimal What's the Intereſt What's What's whole numbers whoſe Yards
Popular passages
Page 243 - When one has goods at a certain price ready money, but in barter advances it to something more, say, As the ready money price of the one ; is to its bartering price ; ; so is the ready money price of the other to its bartering, price: then the quantity of the latter commodity may be found, cither from the ready money or bartering price.
Page 329 - Multiply the divisor, thus augmented, by the last figure of the root, and subtract the product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend.
Page 329 - ... and to the remainder bring down the next period for a dividend. 3. Place the double of the root already found, on the left hand of the dividend for a divisor. 4. Seek how often the divisor is contained...
Page 66 - Cut off the ciphers from the right of the divisor, and the same number of figures from the right of the dividend ; and then divide the remaining figures of the dividend by the remaining figures of the divisor.
Page 128 - If 48 men can build a wall in 24 days, how many men can do it in 192 days ? Ans. 6 men. 3. If 100 men can finish a piece of work in 12 days, how many can do it in 3 days?
Page 132 - There was a certain building erected in 8 months by 120 w'orkmen, but the same being demolished, it is required to b'e rebuilt in 2 months ; I demand how many men must be employed to do it ? . Ans . 480 men; 10.
Page 333 - RULE. 1. Point every third figure of the cube given, beginning at the unit's place, seek the greatest cube to the first point and subtract it therefrom, put the root in the quotient, and bring down the figures in the next point to the...
Page 273 - ... 4. Then, if only one difference ftand againft any rate, it will be the quantity belonging to that rate ; but if there be feveral, their fum wiU be the quantity.
Page 130 - ... to be lined with shalloon of 3 quarters wide ; I demand how many yards of shalloon will line them?
Page 290 - If the Errors are alike, that is, both greater, or both less than the given Number, take their Difference for a Divisor, and the Difference* of their Products for a Dividend. But if unlike, that is, one too much, and the other too little, then take their Sum for a Divisor, and the Sum of their Products for a Dividend ; the Quotient will be the Answer.