50. 1. Mr. Smith sold of his estate to A, of it to B and to C; what part remained unsold? 2. A gambler lost in play and of his money; what part had he left? 3. A lady paid of her money for a bonnet, for a shawl and for a pair of gaiters; what part had she left? 4. A laborer worked 3 days for 1, 4, and 14 dollars; had he received 2 dollars a day, how much more would he have received ? 5. From a piece of calico containing 324 yards, two dress patterns were cut, one containing 10 yards and the other 12 yards; how many yards remained in the piece? 6. I deposited in the bank at one time $20, at another $157; how much more must I deposit to make the amount $50? 7. Paid $68 for a barrel of flour, $53 for a ton of coal, and gave in payment a 10 dollar bill and a 5 dollar bill; how much change must be returned to me? 8. A merchant bought 5 barrels of flour, at $15 a barrel, and paid $45 in goods and the remainder in cash; how much cash did he pay? 9. If you divide $80 among three men, giving the first of it, and the second $35, what will the third receive ? 10. A farmer, having 120 bushels of oats to sell, sold 15 bushels more than of them at one time, and 20 bushels less than of them at another time; how many bushels had he left? / 11. Asaph gave of his money for a sled, & for a cap, and had 39 cents left; how much had he at first? 12. Morgan is 100 years old, Myron is 94 years old, and the sum of their ages is 5 years more than Martin's age; how old is Martin? 1 13. James is 91 years old, and Lewis is 5 years less than twice as old as James; what is the difference in their ages 14. A man, having $64, bought 3 cows; for the first cow he gave of it, for the second of it, and the remainder for the third; what was the cost of the third cow? 15. A grocer drew from a hogshead 20 gallons of molasses at one time, and 25 gallons at another; how many gallons remained ? 16. What number must be taken from 36 that the remainder may be 7? 17. From what number must 91 be taken to leave 12욕? 18. What number must be added to 1618 that the sum may be 25? 19. A person being asked his age, replied that if 4 years were added to 12 years, the sum would be his age; what was his age? 20. A person, undertaking a journey of 60 miles, traveled of the distance the first day, of the remainder the second day, and of the remainder the third day; how far from his place of destination was he at the close of the third day? 21. What is the difference between 174 and 54 +6? 22. What is the difference between 25 and 114 +78? 23. What is the difference between 9 + 124 and 8+4? 24. From 304 take 20+3 25. From 40 - 10 take 74 +5. 26. From 28 take 21-5. 27. From++ take+++ 51. 1. What will 5 pounds of tea cost at i of a dollar a pound? ANALYSIS. Since 1 pound cost of a dollar, 5 pounds, which are 5 times 1 pound, will cost 5 times, or, of a dollar, equal to $33. Therefore 5 pounds of tea, at of a dollar a pound, will cost $34. 2. What cost 4 yards of linen at § of a dollar a yard? 3. When sugar is of a dollar a pound, what will 25 pounds cost? 4. If of a pound of butter last a family 1 day, how many pounds will last them one week? 5. What will be the cost of 10 peaches at of a cent apiece ? 9 6. If a man earn of a dollar a day, how much will he earn in 12 days? 7. If 1 peck of pears cost of a dollar, what will 2 bushels cost? 8. How many loaves of bread must you give to 8 beggars, if you give them of a loaf apiece? 9. At of a dime a pound, what will 15 pounds of nails cost? 12 10. What will 9 yards of silk cost at 11 of a dollar a yard? 11. George had of a dollar, and William had 8 times as much; how much had William ? 12. If 1 horse eat of a ton of hay in a month, how much will 10 horses eat? 13. How many are 9 times 7? 12 times ? 14 times? 20 times? 14. If 1 man can reapf of an acre of rye in a day, how much can 11 men reap? 15. How many barrels of flour will be given to 9 poor families, if each receive of a barrel ? 16. How many are 12 times 17? 16 times? 17. Bought 6 bushels of corn at $ a bushel, and had $4 left; how much money had I at first? 18. If 1 quart of molasses cost $1, gallons cost at the same rate ? what will 4 19. If a boy give each of his 4 companions & of a quart of chestnuts, and have 44 quarts left, how many quarts had he at first? 20. How do you multiply a fraction by a whole number? 52. 1. If 1 box of raisins cost $24, what will 5 boxes cost? ANALYSIS. If 1 box of raisins cost $24, 5 boxes, which are 5 times 1 box, will cost 5 times $24; 5 times are, or $34; 5 times $2 are $10; $34 added to $10 are $13. Therefore, if 1 box of raisins cost $24, 5 boxes will cost $132. 2. At 121 cents a pound, what will 9 pounds of butter cost? 3. At $63 a barrel, what will 7 barrels of flour cost? 4. How many bushels of grain will 15 bags hold, if they hold 2 bushels apiece ? 5. What will be the cost of 12 pounds of rice, at 64 cents a pound? 6. What will 9 dozen of eggs cost at 111 cents a dozen ? 7. What will 7 yards of cloth cost at $516 a yard? 8. If 1 barrel of fish cost $143, what will 6 barrels cost? 9. If 1 horse eat 34 tons of hay in 5 months, how many tons will 20 horses eat in the same time? 10. If 1 pint of wine cost $14, what will 1 gallon cost? 11. If 5 men can do a piece of work in 10 days, how long will it take 1 man to do the same? 12. If a grain of gold is worth 4.1 cents, what is 1 pennyweight worth? 13. A grocer sold 9 pounds of coffee at 124 cents a pound, and 7 pounds of sugar at 84 cents a pound; low much did he receive for both ? 14. If it take 30 yards of cloth for a coat, and 2 yards for a pair of pantaloons, how many yards will be required to make 3 of each ? 53. 1. If 1 pound of cheese cost 10 cents, what will 50 pounds cost? of ANALYSIS. Since 1 pound cost 10 cents, 5 pounds, which are 53 times 1 pound, will cost 53 times 10 cents; 5 times 10 cents are 50 cents, & of 10 cents are 3 times 10 cents; of 10 cents is 10 cents, and of 10 cents are 3 times 13 cents, or 30 cents, which added to 50 cents make 532 cents. Therefore, &c. 2. If a horse travel 6 miles an hour, how far will he travel in 7 hours? 3. If a person's expenses be $12 a week, what will they be for 9 weeks? 4. What will 43 barrels of cider cost at $3 a barrel? 5. What will 10 pounds of honey cost at 12 cents a pound? 6. What will 153 bushels of potatoes cost at 6 shillings a bushel ? 7. If a pint of wine is worth 40 cents, what are 30 pints worth? 8. If a man can build 4 rods of wall in a day, how many rods can he build in 7 days? 9. If a barrel of flour last a family 6 weeks, how long will 44 barrels last them? |