16. How many whole things in 12 halves? in 16 halves? in 24 halves? 17. How many whole things in 9 thirds? in 18 thirds? 18. How many whole things in 10 halves? in 12 thirds? in 21 thirds? in 20 halves? 19. How many half bushels in 3 bushels and 1 half? 20. John gave 6 peaches to his 2 brothers; what part of them did each have? 21. What is 1 half of 6? ANALYSIS. It is that number which taken 2 times will make 6; 2 times 3 is 6. Therefore 3 is 1 half of 6. 22. What is 1 third of 9? of 18? of 27? of 36? 23. What is 1 half of 8? of 12? of 18? of 22? 24. How can you take 1 half of an orange? 1 third? 25. How can you take 2 thirds of an apple ? 26. William had 30 new pennies, and John had 1 half as many; how many had John? 27. If a pound of candles cost 15 cents, what will 1 third of a pound cost? 2 thirds? 28. George is 12 years old, and Mary is 2 thirds as old as he; how old is Mary? 29. If a barrel of flour cost 10 dollars, and a barrel of cider 1 half as much, what is the cost of the cider ? 30. If 3 tons of hay cost 27 dollars, what part of 27 dollars will 1 ton cost? 2 tons? 31. A boy, having 33 cents, spent 2 thirds of them; how many had he left? 32. Edwin gave 2 peaches and 1 half to his sister, and 1 peach and 1 half to his brother; how many peaches did he give to both? 33. A farmer, having 44 sheep, sold 1 half of them; how many had he left? 38. 1. What do you understand by 1 fourth ? 3 fourths? 2. What do you understand by 1 fifth ? 2 fifths? 3 fifths? 4 fifths? 3. What do you understand by 1 sixth? 3 sixths? 5 sixths? 4. How can you take 1 fourth of any thing? 1 sixth? 5. How can you take 3 fourths of any thing? 3 fifths? 6. How many fifths in 1? in 4? in 6? 7. How many fourths in 1? in 2 and 3 fourths? 8. How many sixths in 2? in 3 and 4 sixths? 9. In 4 and 5 sixths how many sixths? 10. In 8 and 3 fourths how many fourths? 11. In 7 and 4 fifths how many fifths? 12. Which is greater, 1 fourth or 1 fifth ? 1 fifth or 1 sixth? 13. How many times 1 in 8 fourths? in 16 fourths? 14. How many times 1 in 15 fifths? in 25 fifths? 15. How many times 1 in 24 sixths? in 36 sixths? 16. What is 1 fourth of 12? of 20? of 28? 17. What is 1 sixth of 18? of 30? of 42? 18. What is 1 fourth of 32? of 40? of 48? 19. What is 1 fifth of 10? of 20? of 50? 20. What is 1 sixth of 36? 2 sixths? 5 sixths? 21. What is 1 fifth of 40? 3 fifths? 4 fifths? 22. What is 3 fourths of 16? of 24? 23. What is 2 fifths of 10? of 25? 24. What is 3 sixths of 30? 5 sixths of 42? 25. If a ton of hay cost 12 dollars, what will 1 fourth of a ton cost? 2 fourths? 3 fourths? 26. If 5 bushels of apples cost 90 cents, what part of 90 cents will 1 bushel cost? 2 bushels 3 bushels ?5 4 27. When coal is 6 dollars a ton, what part of a ton can be bought for 1 dollar? for 2 dollars? for 5 dollars? 28. Bought a piece of land for 45 dollars; what is 1 fifth of it worth? 2 fifths? 3 fifths? 29. If you pay 30 dollars for one month's labor, what do you pay for 1 fifth of a month? for 1 sixth ? tr 5 sixths? for 4 fifths? 30. A man divided 48 cents equally among 6 beggars; what part of the whole did each beggar receive? what part did 2 receive? 3? 4? 5? 31. If in a basket of 54 eggs 1 sixth are bad, how many are good? 32. If a man earn 15 dollars a week, and spend 2 fifths of it, how much does he save? 33. A drover, having 60 sheep, sold 1 fourth of them at one time, and 1 fifth at another; how many had he left? 34. Rollin had 18 marbles, and gave 2 sixths of them to Martin; how many did he give Martin, and how many did he keep for himself? 35. If Harry bought 6 pounds of coffee for 1 dollar, what part of 1 dollar did 1 pound cost? 2 pounds? 3 pounds? 4 pounds? 36. When tea is 5 shillings a pound, what part of a pound can be bought for 1 shilling? 2 shillings? 3 shillings? 4 shillings? 37. If a barrel of pork cost 15 dollars, what will 2 thirds of it cost? 3 fifths? 38. A gentleman is 60 years old, and his wife is 4 fifths as old; how old is she? 39. Andrew is 18 years old, and his sister, Jane, is 5 sixths as old; how old is Jane? 40. Paid 36 dollars for 1 acre of land; what is 1 sixth of it worth? 3 sixths? 1 fourth? 3 fourths? 41. If you divide a barrel of flour equally among 5 poor families, what part of the barrel will 1 family receive? 2 families ? 3 families? 4 families? 5 families? 39. 1. What do you understand by 1 seventh? 3 sevenths? 4 sevenths? 5 sevenths? 2. What is meant by 1 eighth? 5 eighths? 1 ninth? 3 ninths? 5 ninths? 7 ninths? 3. What is meant by 3 tenths? 9 tenths? 5 twelfths? 11 twentieths? 4. How many ninths in a unit, or whole thing? how many tenths? how many elevenths? how many twelfths? how many twentieths? 5. How many times 1 in 14 sevenths? in 32 eighths? in 45 ninths? 6. How many times 1 in 70 tenths? in 44 elevenths? in 30 fifteenths? in 80 twentieths? 7. What is 1 seventh of 42? of 63? of 84? 8. What is 1 eighth of 24? of 56? of 64? 9. What is 1 ninth of 36? 3 ninths? 7 ninths? 10. What are 3 tenths of 50? of 60? of 90? 11. What is 1 twelfth of 72? 5 twelfths? 7 twelfths? 12. What is 1 twentieth of 60? 14 twentieths? 13. How many times 1 in 19 eighths? in 40 ninths? in 65 twelfths? 14. How many times 1 in 25 sevenths? in 56 tenths? in 52 elevenths? 15. In 3 and 5 sevenths how many sevenths? 20. If 10 pounds of sugar cost 80 cents, what part of 80 cents will 3 pounds cost? 5 pounds? 21. If a man earn 72 dollars in 1 month, how much will he earn in 1 fourth of a month? 5 sixths? 4 ninths? 7 eighths? 5 twelfths? 22. What is the difference between 7 eighths of 64 and 5 ninths of 81? 23. What will 5 eighths of a bushel of chestnuts cost at 10 cents a quart? 24. What will be the cost of 4 sevenths of 14 dozen of eggs at 11 cents a dozen? 25. If James has 108 cents, and Henry has 7 twelfths as many and 20 cents more, how many cents has Henry? 26. What will be the cost of 1 ninth of a hogshead of molasses at 12 cents a quart? 27. Menzo, having 48 dollars, gave 1 sixteenth of his money for a hat, 3 eighths for a coat, and 3 twelfths for some books and a quarter's tuition; how many dollars had he left? 28. A man bought a horse for 120 dollars; he gave 7 tenths as much for a carriage as he paid for the horse, and 3 sevenths as much for a harness as he paid for the carriage; how much did the whole cost him? 29. If a man put 200 dollars at interest, and receive 3 twentieths of it annually for its use, how many dollars does he receive? 30. If a vessel sail 12 miles an hour, how many times 9 miles will she sail in 3 eighths of a day? 31. Abel has 49 marbles, and Alonzo has 6 sevenths as many wanting 10; how many has Alonzo ? 32. A man, having 300 cedar posts, sold 2 fifths of them to A, 1 sixth to B, 3 tenths to C, and 40 posts to D; how many had he left? 33. What will be the cost of a gold watch weighing 1 third of a pound at 1 dollar a pennyweight? 34. What will be the cost of 3 eighths of 2 gallons of wine at 40 cents a pint ? 35. A grocer bought 27 dozen of eggs for 240 cents, and sold 5 ninths of them for 12 cents a dozen, and the remainder for 10 cents a dozen; how much did he gain by the operation? |