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6. Two men hired a field for $12; one put in 2 horses for 2 weeks, the other two horses for 4 weeks; what should each pay?

7. John had 9 cents, and Jay had 7; they gave them all for 32 figs; how many should each of them have?

8. A and B enter into partnership; A invests $10 for 5 months, B invests $5 for 8 months; they gain $45; what is each man's share of the gain?

9. A, B, and C bought a horse; A paid $5 as often as B $4 and C $3; they gained $24 in selling him; what is each man's share of the gain?

10. Three men agree to mow a field for $40; A sends 2 men three days, B sends 3 men three days, C sends 2 men two and a half days; what should each receive

11. A, B, and C traded in company; A put in $30, B $50, and C such a sum that he took $10 of the $42 gained during the year; what was the gain of A and B, and what C's stock?

12. An ignorant partner, who furnished $500 of a capital of $800, on which $240 had been gained, took $145 for his share of the profits; did he gain or lose, and how much?

13. Two men paid $11 for the use of a pasture; the first put in 5 calves, the second 4 colts; what should each pay, provided 2 colts consume as much as 3 calves?

14. A, B, and C hire a field for $42; A puts in 5 cows, B 3 cows, and C pays of the rent; how much must A and B pay, and how many cows does C put in ?

15. Three men paid $56 for a pasture; the first put in 9 oxen, the second 8 cows, and the third 10 calves; what should each pay, if 4 cows eat as much as 3 oxen, and 5 calves as much as 4 cows?


16. Mary and Melissa wrote 60 lines in a copy book; Mary wrote as many lines as Melissa; how many lines did each write ?

17. A gardener gave 24 pears to some school children, giving each girl 4 pears, and each boy 3; the boys received as many pears as the girls; how Imany children were there?

18. A father divided $96 among his two sons and 3 daughters, giving each son as much as each daughter; how much did each receive?

99. 1. Three boys have 76 marbles; the second has 2 more than the first, and the third has 6 more than the second; how many has each?

2. James, Henry, and Joseph, together, have 72 apples; Henry has 2 more than James, and Joseph 2 more than Henry; if each had no more than James, how many would all have ?

3. If each had as many as Joseph, how many would all have?

4. How many must Joseph give James that each may have the same number? How many has each ? 5. A, B, and C built a warehouse for $600; B paid $100 more than A, and C paid as much as A and B; how much did each pay?

6. William bought a rifle, a watch, and a drum, for $42; for the rifle he gave twice as much as for the drum, and for the watch twice as much as for the rifle; what did he give for each ?

7. A span of horses, wagon, and harness cost $225; the difference between the cost of the horses and wagon was 11 times the cost of the harness, and the cost of the horses was 4 times the cost of the harness; what was the cost of each?

8. B traveled 114 miles in 3 days; the first day he traveled as far as on the last 2 days, and the last day as far as on the first two days; how far did he travel each day?

9. A laborer in one week dug 5 rods more than the length of a ditch, and the next week he dug the remaining 20 rods; how long was the ditch?

ANALYSIS. Since he dug 5 rods more than of the ditch the first week, the remainder, 20 rods, increased by 5 rods, must equal the ditch; 20 rods + 5 rods = 25 rods, which is of twice 25, or 50 rods. Therefore, &c.

10. A farmer, owing a store debt, paid at one time $10 more than of it, at another $20 more than of the remainder, and gave a note of $20 for the balance of the debt; what was the amount of the debt?

11. Arthur gave 2 more than of his pennies for a top, 1 more than of the remainder for a whip, and had 4 left; how many pennies had he at first?


12. A grocer, selling beer, drew a gallon more than the contents of a keg one day, the next day he drew a gallon more than of the remainder, and the third day, when he went to draw, he found the keg was empty; how many gallons in the keg at first? 13. A and B have $55; of A's money equals of B's; how many dollars has each ?

ANALYSIS. Since & of A's money equals of B's, 2 halves, or all of A's, will equal 2 times, or of B's; then A has 6, and B 5 equal parts of the money, and both have 11 parts; TT of $55 is $5, or 1 part; 6 times $5 are $30, or A's share ; and 5 times $5 are $25, or B's share. Therefore, &c.

14. If 34 apples be divided between John and Mary, so that of John's may equal of Mary's, how many will each have?

15. A and B have together 83 sheep; of A's flock, increased by 8 sheep, is equal to B's flock; how many sheep has each?

16. If 10 cents be taken from of Mary's money, the remainder will be equal to Susan's; the girls, together, have 39 cents; how many cents has each? 17. Homer has 3 marbles more than Silas, and of Homer's marbles equal of Silas's; how many has each?

100. 1. One man will drink a gallon of beer in 3 days; another will drink a gallon in 4 days; how long will a gallon last both of them?

2. Julia can do the washing in 7 hours; with Jane's assistance she can do it in 4 hours; in what time can Jane do it?

3. Two boys can pitch a quantity of hay in 5 hours; the first can do it in 9 hours; in what time can the second do it?

4. A cistern can be emptied by 2 pipes in 30 hours, but 1 pipe will empty it in 74 hours; in how many hours will the other empty it?

5. A can make a vest in of a day, B in 4, and C in of a day; how many more vests can A and B make in a day than C can?

6. Susan can knit a pair of mittens in of a day, and Sarah can knit a pair in & of a day; how many pairs can both knit in a day?

7. What part of a day must Sarah assist Susan that Susan may complete 2 pairs?

8. What part of a day must Susan assist Sarah

that Sarah may complete 3 pairs?

9. Jason can hoe 10 rows of corn in & of an hour, and Jesse can hoe them in of an hour; in what time can both together hoe them?

10. In what time can Jason hoe what remains

after Jesse has hoed

11. In what time

an hour ? can Jesse hoe what remains

after Jason has hoed of an hour?

12. How many rows can both hoe in 1 hour ?

13. A and B can clear a field in 15 days; with the help of C they can do it in 9 days; in how many days can C do it?

14. A and B can dig a well in 6 days, A and C in 8 days, and B and C in 9 days; in how many days can each dig it, working alone?

15. In how many days can they do it working together?.

16. Patrick, Peter, and Philo can dig 40 rods of ditch in 10 days; Patrick and Peter can do it in 15 days; Peter and Philo can do it in 134 days; in how many days can Patrick and Philo dig 28 rods?

17. How long will it take each man to dig 30 rods? 18. Henry and Harlan can cut a field of corn in 63 days; Harlan's day's work exceeds Henry's by of Henry's; in how many days can each cut the field?

19. Three men can do a piece of work in 10 days; the first does as much as the second, the third does as much as the first and secord; in how many days will each do it?

20. In how many days will the first and second do it?

21. In how many days will the first and third do it? 22. In how many days will the second and third do it?

23. A, B, and C can do a piece of work in 8 days; Band C can do it in 12 days, and A and B in 10 days; in how many days can each, working separately, do it?

24. A cistern can be discharged by 3 pipes in 4 hours; the first and second pipes will discharge it in

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