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12. How much plaster must A have ground, to bring home 14 tons, after the miller has taken 12 per cent. of all he has ground?

13. In how many years, at 5 per cent., will a given principal amount to the same as it would at 7 per cent. in 3 years?

14. At what rate per cent. in 12 years will a given principal amount to the same as at 7 per cent. for 8 years?

15. A farm rents for $500 a year, which is 61 per cent. on the purchase money, at $40 per acre; how many acres in the farm?

16. Mr. Jones paid $44 interest on a note running 4 years 4 months and 24 days, at 5 per cent.; what was the face of the note?

17. A's note of $200 was given for a carriage; 5 years 7 months and 6 days afterwards, $256 was given for the note; what rate per cent. was paid?

18. A note of $300 on interest at 6 per cent. was given for a span of horses; when the note was taken up, $330 was paid for it; how long did it run ?

19. B, on being asked how much he owed for his farm, replied, "I pay 9 per cent. on the debt; if I paid but 7 per cent., it would be $60 in my favor yearly." What did he owe?

20. If Aaron had purchased his horses for 5 per cent. less than he did, they would have cost him $190; how much did he pay for them?

21. If I had purchased my farm for 6 per cent. less than I paid for it, it would have made a difference in the purchase money of $120; what did the farm cost me?

22. A speculator sold wheat for 90 cents a bushel, and in so doing lost 10 per cent.; what should he have sold it for, to have gained 15 per cent.?

23. A nurseryman sold apple trees at $15 per thousand, and cleared of his receipts; what per cent. profit did he make?

24. B pays $400 a year for the use of 100 acres of land, giving 8 per cent. of its value; what is it worth per acre?

25. I bought a stock of goods for $800, and paid $15 for store rent, $85 for clerk hire, and sold them at the end of 6 months; what per cent. must be made on the goods to cover expenses ?

26. In how many years will a man, paying interest at 7 per cent. on a debt for land, pay the amount of the debt in interest ?

27. A. bought a farm for $3000; he realized $700 from the sale of wheat, $200 from corn and barley, and $100 from fruit, and then sold the farm at a discount of 25 per cent.; did he gain or lose, and how much?

28. B bought a horse for $60, then sold him for $100, and repurchased him for $80; what was the gain per cent. on the original investment?

29. A milkman sold milk for 4 cents a quart, by which he cleared + of the receipts; but milk becoming scarce, he sold for 5 cents; what per cent. did he make at the latter price?

30. A walked 5 per cent. of a journey of 300 miles; 20 per cent. of the remainder he rode in the stage, and the rest of the way in the cars; how far did he ride in the cars?

31. A mechanic sold a buggy for $54, and gained 20 per cent.; he then sold another for $54, and lost 10 per cent.; did he gain or lose, and how much?

32. A dealer sold a melodeon for $190, and lost 5 per cent. on it; he then sold another for the same money, but made enough to balance the loss on the first; what per cent. did he make on the second ?




97. 1. A gentleman, owning of a vessel, sold of his share; what part of the vessel does he still own?

ANALYSIS. Since he sold & of his share, he would have + left, and of is. Therefore, &c.

2. A man, owning of a share in the Central Railroad, sold of it; what part of a share has he left? 3. A man, having of a barrel of flour, gave of it to a poor neighbor; what part of a barrel has he left?

4. Harry, having of a dollar, gave of it for a knife; what part of a dollar has he left? 5. A man sold a watch for $18, which was & of what it cost him; how much did he lose?

6. A grocer cold a quantity of cheese for $45, which was of what it cost him; how much did he gain?

7. A threshing machine was sold for $120, at a sacrifice of of the cost; what was the loss on it?

8. Henry having lost of his money playing cards, lent of the remainder, when he found he had $22 left; how much had he at first?

9. A horse was sold for $80, which was of of twice the cost; what was lost on the horse?

10. A man bought a wagon for $54, which was of twice as much as he sold it for; what did he gain? 11. Homer had 15 marbles, which was of 3 times as many as Henry had; how many had Henry? 12. Thomas gave 4 cents for a top, which was times of what money he had; how many marbles, at 2 for a cent, could he buy with what he had left ? 13. A farmer, after selling of his flock of sheep, had 20 left; how many had he at first?

14. A pole was standing of its length in the air, of the remainder in the water, and 3 feet in the mud; how many feet in the air?

15. If from my age you take and of my age, the remainder will be 4 years; how old am I?

16. If to of the cost of A's coat you add $12, the sum will be $20; what was the cost of the coat? 17. A drover, being asked how many sheep he had, replied, "If to my number you add 80 sheep, the sum will be 5 more than 3 times my number;" how many had he?

18. John and James play at marbles; John wins 16, which is of twice as many as James now has; when they began, of John's equaled of James's; how many had each when they began?

19. of Herbert's age, increased by 10 years, equals 11 times his age; how old is he?

20. A cow cost $40; of this sum was of 2 23 times of the cost of a horse; what was the cost of the horse?

21. A. was 25 years of age when he was married, and his age was times of his wife's age; how old was she?

22. A post-office was robbed by a clerk, who took of the money in the drawer; when he was arrested, he had made away with of it, and had $10 left; how much was in the drawer at first?

23. A's farm cost $1500; 3 of this is of 4 times the cost of the barn; what did the barn cost?

24. At the battle of Long Island, the Americans lost 500 men; of this number was 3 of 1 of their force; how many men had they in the field?

25. At Ridgefield, 100 Americans were killed; of the slain was 71 times To of the men on duty; how many on duty?


26. The American loss at the battle of Trenton,

in killed, frozen, and wounded, was 60 men; of this number was 21⁄2 times ᄒ of the number engaged; how many men in the engagement?

27. At the assault on Quebec, the Americans had 100 killed; of this number was 6 more than 14 times of the men sent; how many men were in the detachment?

28. The American loss in the battle of Port Royal Island was 30 men; 24 times this number was 33 times of the number in the field; how many in the field?

29. At Germantown, the American loss, in slain, wounded, and prisoners, was 1200; of this number was 8 times off of the army, lacking 1000 men; how many in the army?

98. 1. Divide 28 into two numbers that shall be to each other as 5 to 2.

ANALYSIS. Since the numbers are to each other as 5 to 2, the given sum must be divided into 7 equal parts, and 5 of those parts will equal one of the numbers, and 2 of them the other; the numbers will be & of 28 and 4 of 28, equal to 20 and 8. Therefore, &c.

2. Two men bought 40 bushels of potatoes; one paid $6, and the other $4; how many bushels should each have?

3. Two travelers, 49 miles apart, approach each other; one travels 4 miles an hour, the other 3 miles an hour; how many miles will each travel ?

4. A and B hired a horse and buggy for $25; A used it 3 weeks, B 2 weeks; what should each pay? 5. Two men hired a pasture for $24; one put in 5 cows, the other put in 3 cows; what should each pay?

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