Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas and Other Courts from Michaelmas Term, 48 Geo. III. 1807 to Hilary Term, 59 Geo. III. 1819 Inclusive, Volume 7; Volume 15J. Butterworth, 1819 |
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Common terms and phrases
action affidavit assigns assumpsit attorney averred bail bankrupt barratry Best Serjt bills bills of lading Bitteswell bond Bromley BURROUGH cargo charter-party cited contended contract Copley Serjt costs Court covenant coverture debt decease declaration deed Defendant Defendant's delivered delivery demise devise discharged entitled estate tail evidence execution executor fee simple fendant freight freighter GIBBS C. J. give Groning ground heirs held indorsed issue judgment jury land Latchingdon lease Lens Serjt lessor licence lien London Lord Lord Ellenborough ment messuages nonsuit notice obtained a rule owner paid parties payment Penpont person Plaintiff plea pleaded possession premises question recover Reed remainder rent replevin rule nisi says sheriff shewed cause ship Solicitor-General statute T. G. Smith tenant Term Rep testator testator's thereof tiff tion trial Trinity term trustees Vaughan Serjt verdict voyage warrant West India Dock wife words writ
Popular passages
Page 392 - ... in, by, and with all and all manner of needful and necessary reparations, cleansings, and amendments, when and as often as occasion shall require, the said farm-house and buildings being previously put in repair, and kept in repair by the said Elizabeth Jones.
Page 224 - ... the verdict of the jury was contrary to the weight of the evidence ; secondly, that there was not a sufficient delivery to constitute a donatio mortis causa.
Page 400 - Court of Examiners, or the major part of them, and have received a Certificate of his or their being duly qualified to practise as such, from the said Court...
Page 29 - One thousand seven hundred and thirty eight, all Sheriffs, and other Officers having Authority to grant Replevins, may and shall in every Replevin of a Distress for Rent, take, in their own Names, from the Plaintiff, and Two responsible Persons as Sureties, a Bond in double the Value of the Goods distrained (such Value to be ascertained by the Oath of One or more credible Witness or Witnesses not interested in the Goods or Distress, which Oath the Person granting such Replevin is...
Page 354 - ... sealed and delivered in the presence of, and attested by, two or more credible witnesses, or by her last will and testament...
Page 108 - ... persons as she should by will appoint, and in default of appointment, for her executors or administrators. He was also absolutely possessed of a leasehold messuage in Russell Square, Middlesex, and of household furniture, and other personal estate and effects.
Page 459 - That an embargo be, and hereby is laid on all ships and vessels in the ports and places within the limits or jurisdiction of the United States...
Page 364 - But though these limitations would be void in a deed, common law will sustain them as executory devises. This form of limitation is restrained by the law against Perpetuities (qv), which requires that the estate must take effect within a life or lives in being and twenty-one years after. The law will not interpret a limitation as an executory devise, if it can be otherwise sustained. Whenever, therefore, a future interest in land is so devised as to fall within the rules laid down for the limitation...
Page 511 - Where cases are new in their principle, there I admit that it is necessary to have recourse to legislative interposition in order to remedy the grievance: but where the case is only new in the instance, and the only question is upon the application of a principle recognized...
Page 547 - The following certificate was afterwards sent to the Master of the Rolls (a) : — " This case has been argued before us by counsel.