Edue T T 115.51.375 V GEORGE ARTHUR LIMPTON ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1850, by in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Wisconsin. PREFACE. It has become a generally received truth, that Intellectual Arithmetic is among the first studies that should be presented to the juvenile mind. It is also a truth worthy of general reception, that the young grasp combinations of numbers with greater ease, when properly presented, than any other branch of science. This, together with the fact that whatever is taught a child at first should be UNCHANGING TRUTH, is ample evidence in favor of this branch as the FIRST STUDY OF EVERY CHILD. The following Arithmetical Analysis is designed to present the subject in its most practical light-developing the general principles of numbers in a simple, yet strictly philosophic and logical manner. The arrangement of the text, though in some respects different from any other work on this branch, is nevertheless believed to be a more natural arrangement, and at the same time to dictate a more simple analysis of the Elements of Arithmetic; a want of which has, unquestionably, led pupils to be content with a superficial knowledge of the principles of the science. Multiplication is placed immediately after Addition, from the fact that it is only a different mode of applying the same general principle. Fractions are introduced immediately after Division, and the relation and relative size of one part to another are clearly elucidated. The questions throughout are of a practical character, or given with reference to securing the attention of the pupil, and holding it for a long time, on a single subject, thus strengthening the reasoning powers, and capacitating them for more powerful mental effort. The mode of solving the questions is the one long used by the Author, and has received the commendation of many of the most distinguished teachers in the United States, and has been in substance adopted by them. The first sections, and the first questions of each section, are formed of small numbers, the following ones rising in regular and systematic gradation, to greater degrees of complexity. |