An Account of our Mercantile Companies; of our Colonies and Factories abroad; of our Commercial Treaties with Foreign Powers; of the Duty of Consuls, and of the Laws concerning Aliens, Naturalization, and Denization. TO WHICH IS ADDED, AN ACCOUNT OF THE COMMERCE OF THE WHOLE WORLD; DESCRIBING THE MANUfactures anD PRODUCTS OF EACH COUNTRY, WITH TABLES OF THE CORRESPONDENCE AND AGREEMENT OF THEIR RESPECTIVE COINS, WEIGHTS, AND MEAsures. The whole equally calculated for the Information and Service of THE MERCHANT, LAWYER, MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, AND BY THE LATE WYNDHAM BEAWES, Esq. HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S CONSUL AT SEVILLE AND ST. Lucar. THE SIXTH EDITION, CONSIDERABLY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, Br JOSEPH CHITTY, Esq. OF THE Middle temple. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON; OTRIDGE AND SON; CLARKE AND SONS; J. WALKER; R. LEA; J. CUTHELL; a Of Merchants, whether Natives or Foreigners; their Character; some Directions for their prudent Conduct, and an Abstract of the Laws now in Force concern- ing them: Particularly those relating to the Exportation of Corn... Of Ships, Owners, Captains, and Sailors, with Abstracts of the Laws in Force |