6 THE ACADEMIC ALGEBRA. BY WILLIAM F. BRADBURY, A. M., HEAD MASTER OF THE CAMBRIDGE LATIN SCHOOL, AND GRENVILLE C. EMERY, A. M., MASTER IN THE BOSTON LATIN SCHOOL. BOSTON: THOMPSON, BROWN, AND COMPANY, 23 HAWLEY STREET. PREFACE. THE favor with which the Eaton and Bradbury's Mathematical Series has been received has encouraged the authors to prepare this book. It is designed to meet the demand for a fuller treatment of Factoring, for more numerous examples for practice, and for the more advanced work now required in our best High Schools and Academies, and for admission to many of the Colleges. In all the subjects treated the exercises have been carefully graded to lead the student from the simple to the more difficult. Special attention is invited to the treatment of Positive and Negative Numbers in Chapter II., of Addition and Subtraction as a single topic, as well as Multiplication and Division, in both Integral and Fractional Numbers; to the arrangement of the equations in Elimination; to the interpretation of negative results, and of the forms, 0 A 0 and ; and to the treatment of Affected Quadratic Equations. Although a work on Mathematics has a natural order for the development of topics, yet this may not be the best order for the pupil. To awaken the pupil's interest in algebraic operations, a few problems have been introduced in Chapter I., and to keep this interest alive, and give him some idea of the beauty and utility of Algebra in its application, teachers are recommended, after completing Chapters I. and II., to pass over to Chapter XI., and while going over this and Chapter XII. to take the part omitted. It may also be better for the younger pupils to omit the demonstration in Art. 108, and the Theorems in Arts. 121 and 122, until they become more familiar with algebraic reasoning. The adjective, Arithmetic, is used by recent writers on Algebra, and in referring to a series of numbers, as it corresponds with the adjectives, Geometric and Harmonic, it has been adopted in this work. At the end of the book are the Examination Questions in Algebra for admission to several New England Colleges, from September, 1884, to September, 1888, inclusive. W. F. B. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., June, 1889. NOTE. Great care has been taken to avoid errors. If any are found, a statement of them to the authors will be thankfully received. |