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" I should have a hundred:" how many had he ? 100 — 2£ is what part of his present number ? Ans. He had 65 geese. 95. In an orchard of fruit trees, £ of them bear apples, £ pears, £ plums, 60 of them peaches, and 40, cherries ; how many trees does... "
Arithmetic: In which the Principles of Operating by Numbers are Analytically ... - Page 245
by Daniel Adams - 1830 - 264 pages
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A New and Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the ...

Nicolas Pike - Algebra - 1808 - 470 pages
...number is that, of which 1 9r3T is f ? • 19rj = YJ 5 then> As £..: VT° » T : 26T7 Ans. 5. In 6. In an orchard of fruit trees, •*• of them bear...cherries : How many trees does the orchard contain ? . 60+40 a+i+6 =rs> and |*— |i=T'» i therefore, as T's : ::^| : 1200 Ans. 1 6. A person, who was...
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The Teachers Assistant. Or, A System of Practical Arithmetic: Wherein the ...

Arithmetic - 1811 - 210 pages
...was the father's •age,? Ans. 73¿ years. 28. In a certain orchard \ of the trees bear apples, -£ pears, | plums, 60 of them peaches, and 40 cherries ; how many trees are in the orchard ? Ans. 1200. 29. If by selling goods at 50s. per cwt. I gain 20 per tent, what do...
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A New and Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the ...

Nicolas Pike - Arithmetic - 1822 - 536 pages
...t : W - 1 : 26i? Ans5. !n an orchard of fruit trees, : of them bear apples, \ pears. •J plums, GO of them peaches, and 40 cherries : How many trees does the orchard contain ? {*> "d H-ii=TV; therefore, as 7 1200 Ans. ! 6. A person, who was possessed off of a vessel, sold...
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The Scholar's Arithmetic: Designed for the Use of Schools in the United States

Jacob Willetts - Arithmetic - 1822 - 200 pages
...time can C do it by himself? Ans. 120 days. 27. In n certain orchard \ of the trees bear apples, i pears, £ plums, 60 of them peaches, and 40 cherries ; how many trees are in the orchard ? Ans. 12OO. 28. A person, wilting to distribute some money among; a number of beggars,...
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Conversations on Arithmetic, with Demonstrations to Each Rule

Leonard Pierce - Arithmetic - 1823 - 170 pages
...cost at 5 cents per pound ? Ans. $78,48. 5. In an orchard of fruit trees £ of them bear apple?, A pears, £ plums, 60 of them peaches, and 40 cherries...many trees does the orchard contain ? - Ans. 1200. .6. What length must be cut off a board 8| inches broad, to contain a square foot ? Ans. 17^ inch....
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The American Tutor's Assistant Revised, Or, A Compendious System of ...

Zachariah Jess - Arithmetic - 1824 - 224 pages
...together ? answer 4 hours. 33 In an orchard of fruit trees, £ of them bear apples, % pears, £ plumbs, 60 of them peaches, and 40 cherries ; how many trees does the orchard contain ? answer 1200 34 A person who was possessed of f of a vessel, sold £ of his interest for 3751, what...
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Pike's System of Arithmetic Abridged: To which are Added Appropriate ...

Nicolas Pike, Dudley Leavitt - Arithmetic - 1826 - 214 pages
...and twice twenty five ? Ans. 20. 2. In an orchard of fruit trees J of them bear apples, J pears, f plums, 60 of them peaches, and 40 cherries; how many trees does the orchard contain ? Ans. 1200. 3. A merchant begins the world with $500, and finds that by his distillery he clears $5000, in 6 years...
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The American Tutor's Assistant, Improved: Or, A Compendious System of ...

Zachariah Jess - Arithmetic - 1827 - 226 pages
...both of them working together ? Ana. 4 hours. 42. In an orchard of fruit trees, } of them Ьелг apples, J pears, ^ plums, 60 of them peaches, and...cherries, how many trees does the orchard contain ? Ans. 1 200. 43. A person who was possessed of | of a vessel, sold £ of his interest lor 780 dol. what was...
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Pike's System of Arithmetic Abridged: To which are Added Appropriate ...

Nicolas Pike, Dudley Leavitt - Arithmetic - 1826 - 222 pages
...twenty, and twice twenty-five ? Ans. 20. 2. In an orchard of fruit trees J of them hear apples, £ pears, £ plums, 60 of them peaches, and 40 cherries ; how many trees does the orchard contaia ? Ans. 1200. 3. A merchant begins the world with $5000, and finds that by his distillery he...
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Adams's New Arithmetic: Arithmetic, in which the Principles of Operating by ...

Daniel Adams - Arithmetic - 1828 - 286 pages
...present number ? Ans. He had 65 geese. 95. In an orchard of fruit trees, £ of them bear apples, £ pears, £ plums, 60 of them peaches, and 40, cherries...fifths of the same number by 6 ; required the number. £ — £ = -fy ; consequently, 6 is fa of the required number. Ans. 80. 98. What number is that, to...
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