ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA BY J. HAMBLIN SMITH, M.A GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE, AND LECTURER AT ST PETER'S BOD SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND CORRECTED RIVINGTONS 181. f. 16. PREFACE THE design of this Treatise is to explain all that is commonly included in a First Part of Algebra. In the arrangement of the Chapters I have followed the advice. of experienced Teachers. I have carefully abstained from making extracts from books in common use. The only work to which I am indebted for any material assistance is the Algebra of the late Dean Peacock, which I took as the model for the commencement of my Treatise. The Examples, progressive and easy, have been selected from University and College Examination Papers and from old English, French and German works. Much care has been taken to secure accuracy in the Answers, but in a collection of more than 2300 Examples it is to be feared that some errors have yet to be detected. I shall be grateful for having my attention called to them. I am preparing a book of Miscellaneous Exercises adapted to this work and arranged in a progressive order so as to supply constant practice for the student. In conclusion, I have to express my thanks for the encouragement and advice received by me from many correspondents. J. HAMBLIN SMITH. CAMBRIDGE, 1870. |