OF THE BRITISH POETS. VOL. II. PART I. CONTAINING SELECTIONS FROM THE POETS WHO FLOURISHED IN THE REIGNS OF QUEEN ANN. GEORGE I. and GEORGE II. LONDON: Published by W. SUTTABY, CROSBY and Co. and SCATCHERD and LETTERMAN, Stationers Court. 1809. Corrall, Printer, Charing Cross. D. iv II THAT. ICONTENTS. ¿TZATZ03 HAWKINS BROWNE. 1706-1760. A Pipe of Tobacco ALLAN RAMSAY (1696176342 Sangs.-Peggy and Patie Hid from himself Speak on, speak thus When hope was quite sunk The Passions.-An Ode for Music Ode to Fear Ode to Evening Dirge in Cymbeline Page • 168 174 175 ib. 176 177 ib. WILLIAM SHENSTONE. 1714-1763. The School-Mistress. In Imitation of Spenser 186 GILBERT COOPER. Died in 1769. Song.-Away! let nought to love 208 - 211 220 Elegy. Written in a Country Church-Yard 222 Odes. A distant Prospect of Eton College To Adversity 225 228 The Bard.-Pindaricuake Aeolian) - 229 The Progress of Poesy.-Pindaric On the Spring On the Death of a favourite Cat 234 237 239 SPECIMENS OF THE BRITISH POETS. ALEXANDER POPE. THE RAPE OF THE LOCK. An Heroi-Comical Poem. Nolueram, Belinda, tuos violare capillos; CANTO I. WHAT dire offence from amorous causes springs, Say what strange motive, goddess! could compel |