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Join BE, CH.

Then because BC is equal to FG, (hyp.) and FG to EH, (1. 34.)

therefore BC is equal to EH; (ax. 1.)

and these lines are parallels, and joined towards the same parts by the

straight lines BE, CH;

but straight lines which join the extremities of equal and parallel straight lines towards the same parts, are themselves equal and parallel; (1. 33.)

therefore BE, CH are both equal and parallel;
wherefore EBCH is a parallelogram. (def. A.)

And because the parallelograms ABCD, EBCH, are upon the same base BC, and between the same parallels BC, AH; therefore the parallelogram ABCD is equal to the parallelogram EBCH. (1. 35.)

For the same reason, the parallelogram EFGH is equal to the parallelogram EBCH;

therefore the parallelogram ABCD is equal to the parallelogram EFGH. (ax. 1.)

Therefore, parallelograms upon equal, &c. Q.E. D.


Triangles upon the same base and between the same parallels, are equal to one another.

Let the triangles ABC, DBC be upon the same base BC, and between the same parallels AD, BC. Then the triangle ABC shall be equal to the triangle DBC.

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Produce AD both ways to the points E, F;
through B draw BE parallel to CA, (1. 31.)
and through C draw CF parallel to BD.

Then each of the figures EBCA, DBCF is a parallelogram; and EBCA is equal to DBCF, (1. 35.) because they are upon the sarme base BC, and between the same parallels BC, EF. And because the diameter AB bisects the parallelogram EBCA, therefore the triangle ABC is half of the parallelogram EBCA; (Ι. 34.) also because the diameter DC bisects the parallelogram DBCF, therefore the triangle DBC is half of the parallelogram DBCF, but the halves of equal things are equal; (ax. 7.) therefore the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle DBC. Wherefore. triangles, &c. Q. E. D.

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Triangles upon equal bases and between the same parallels, are equal to one another.

Let the triangles ABC, DEF be upon equal bases BC, EF, and between the same parallels BF, AD. Then the triangle ABC shall be equal to the triangle DEF.

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Produce AD both ways to the points G, H through B draw BG parallel to CA, (1. 31.) and through F draw FII parallel to ED. Then each of the figures GBCA, DEIH is a parallelogram; and they are equal to one another, (1. 36.) because they are upon equal bases BC, EF, and between the same parallels BF, GH.

And because the diameter AB bisects the parallelogram GBCA, therefore the triangle ABC is the half of the parallelogram GBCA; (1. 34.)

also, because the diameter DF bisects the parallelogram DEFH, therefore the triangle DEF is the half of the parallelogram DEFH;

but the halves of equal things are equal; (ax. 7.) therefore the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle DEF. Wherefore, triangles upon equal bases, &c. Q.E.D.


Equal triangles upon the same base and upon the same side of it, are between the same parallels.

Let the equal triangles ABC, DBC be upon the same base BC and upon the same side of it.

Then the triangles ABC, DBC shall be between the same parallels.

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Join AD; then AD shall be parallel to BC.
For if AD be not parallel to BC,

if possible, through the point A, draw AE parallel to BC, (1. 31.)

meeting BD, or BD produced, in E, and join EC.
Then the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle EBC, (1. 37.)
because they are upon the same base BC,
and between the same parallels BC, AE:

but the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle DBC; (hyp.)
therefore the triangle DRC is equal to the triangle EBC,

the greater triangle equal to the less, which is impossible:
therefore AE is not parallel to BC.

In the same manner it can be demonstrated,
that no other line drawn from A but AD is parallel to BC;
AD is therefore parallel to BC.
Wherefore, equal triangles upon, &c. Q. E. D.


Equal triangles upon equal bases in the same straight line, and towards the same parts, are between the same parallels.

Let the equal triangles ABC, DEF be upon equal bases BC, EF, in the same straight line BF, and towards the same parts. Then they shall be between the same parallels.

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Join AD; then AD shall be parallel to BF.
For if AD be not parallel to BF,

if possible, through A draw AG parallel to BF, (1. 31.) meeting ED, or ED produced in G, and join G.F. Then the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle GEF, (1. 38.) because they are upon equal bases BC, EF, and between the same parallels BF, AG; but the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle DEF; (hyp.) therefore the triangle DEF is equal to the triangle GEF, (ax. 1.) the greater triangle equal to the less, which is impossible: therefore AG is not parallel to BF. And in the same manner it can be demonstrated, that there is no other line drawn from A parallel to it but AD; AD is therefore parallel to BF. Wherefore, equal triangles upon, &c. Q. E. D.


If a parallelogram and a triangle be upon the same base, and between the same parallels; the parallelogram shall be double of the triangle.

Let the parallelogram ABCD, and the triangle EBC be upon the same base BC, and between the same parallels BC, AE.

Then the parallelogram ABCD shall be double of the triangle EBC

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Then the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle EBC, (1. 87.)

because they are upon the same base BC, and between the same

parallels RC, AE.

But the parallelogram ABCD is double of the triangle ABC, because the diameter AC bisects it; (1. 34.) wherefore ABCD is also double of the triangle EBC. Therefore, if a parallelogram and a triangle, &c. Q.E.D.


To describe a parallelogram that shall be equal to a given triangle, and have one of its angles equal to a given rectilineal angle.

Let ABC be the given triangle, and D the given rectilineal angle. It is required to describe a parallelogram that shall be equal to the given triangle ABC, and have one of its angles equal to D.

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Bisect BC in E, (1. 10.) and join AE; at the point E in the straight line EC, make the angle CEF equal to the angle D; (1. 23.) through C draw CG parallel to EF, and through A draw AFG parallel to BC, (1. 31.) meeting EF in F, and CG in G.

Then the figure CEFG is a parallelogram. (def. A.) And because the triangles ABE, AEC are on the equal bases BE, EC, and between the same parallels BC, AG;

they are therefore equal to one another; (1. 38.) and the triangle ABC is double of the triangle AEC;

but the parallelogram FECG is double of the trianglo AEC, (1. 41.) because they are upon the same base EC, and between the same

parallels EC, AG;

therefore the parallelogram FECG is equal to the triangle ABC, (ax. 6.)

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and it has one of its angies CEF equal to the given angle D. Wherefore, a parallelogram FECG has been described equal to the given triangle ABC, and having one of its angles CEF equal to the given angle D. Q. E. F.


The complements of the parallelograms, which are about the diametes of any parallelogram, are equal to one another.

Let ABCD be a parallelogram, of which the diameter is AC: and EH, GF the parallelograms about A C, that is, through which A C passes: also BK, KD the other parallelograms which make up the whole figure ABCD, which are therefore called the complements. Then the complement BK shall be equal to the complement KD.

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Because ABCD is a parallelogram, and AC its diameter, therefore the triangle ABC is equal to the triangle ADC. (1. 34.) Again, because EKIIA is a parallelogram, and AK its diameter, therefore the triangle AEK is equal to the triangle AHK; (Ι. 34.) and for the same reason, the triangle KGCis equal to the triangle KFC. Wherefore the two triangles AEK, KGC are equal to the two

triangles AHK, KFC, (ax. 2.)

but the whole triangle ABC is equal to the whole triangle ADC; therefore the remaining complement BK is equal to the remaining complement ent KD. (ax. 3.)

Wherefore the complements, &c. Q.E.D.


To a given straight line to apply a parallelogram, which shall be equal to a given triangle, and have one of its angles equal to a given rectilineal angle.

Let AB be the given straight line, and C the given triangle, and I) the given rectilineal angle. It is required to apply to the straight line AB, a parallelogramm equal to the triangle C, and having an angle equal to the angle D.

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Make the parallelogram BEFG equal to the triangle C,
and having the angle EBG equal to the angle D, (1. 42.)
so that BE be in the same straight line with AB;

produce FG to H,

through A draw AH parallel to BG or EF, (1. 31.) and join HB. Then because the straight line HF falls upon the parallels AH, EF, therefore the angles AHF, HFE are together equal to two right angles; (1. 29.)

wherefore the angles BHF, HFE are less than two right angles: but straight lines which with another straight line, make the two interior angles upon the same side less than two right angles, do meet if produced far enough: (ax. 12.)

therefore HB, FE shall meet if produced; let them be produced and meet in K, through K draw KL parallel to EA or FH, and produce HA, GB to meet KL in the points L, M. Then HLKF is a parallelogram, of which the diameter is HK;

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