OF TACITUS WITH A REVISED TEXT, ENGLISH NOTES, AND MAPS. BY ALFRED J. CHURCH, M.A. LINCOLN COLLEGE, OXFORD, ONE OF THE ASSISTANT MASTERS IN MERCHANT TAYLORS' SCHOOL, LONDON AND W. J. BRODRIBB, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF ST JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE London: MACMILLAN AND CO. 1886 [The Right of Translation is reserved.] 21080.275,886 HARYARD COLLEGE LIBRARY CIFT OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY Cambridge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. & SON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PREFACE THE Treatise on Germany and the Life of Agricola have, perhaps, been edited as frequently as any of the Latin Classics. They exhibit in a singularly convenient form the manner and genius of one of the greatest of ancient historians; and thus at once possess a great literary value, and are peculiarly useful as text-books in our Schools and Universities. About works which have been so diligently studied we can hardly expect to say much that is original. We have endeavoured, with the aid of recent editions, thoroughly to elucidate the text, explaining the various difficulties, critical and grammatical, which occur to the student. Information which is now amply supplied by the dictionaries of biography and geography we have thought it We have consulted unnecessary to furnish. |