ELEMENTS OF PLANE GEOMETRY, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. BY N. TILLINGHAST. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY LEWIS & SAMPSON. NEW YORK: ROBINSON, PRATT & CO. PHILADELPHIA: THOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT & CO. WYORK PUBLIC Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the year 1841, By LUTHER HAMILTON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of New Hampshire. PREFACE. This volume has been prepared with reference to what I believe to be the want of Schools; it is short, because the time commonly devoted to Geometry in schools is very limited: several of the propositions usually contained in geometrical treatises are omitted, because they are considered too difficult for those for whom this work is designed; and, for the same reason, rigor of demonstration has been departed from, in respect to some propositions which it was necessary to retain. If the work has any merits, they will doubtless commend themselves to a candid public; if not, it must meet the fate of many other things on which much labor has been bestowed in vain. |