The Substitution of Similars: The True Principle of Reasoning, Derived from a Modification of Aristotle's Dictum |
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Page 4 - Jackson. — GEOMETRICAL CONIC SECTIONS. An Elementary Treatise in which the Conic Sections are defined as the Plane Sections of a Cone, and treated by the Method of Projection. By J. STUART JACKSON, MA, late Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
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Page 17 - The book is full of interesting matter, and is written by a master of the art of popular exposition. It is excellently illustrated, both coloured maps and woodcuts possessing high merit. Those who have already become interested in dredging operations will of course make a point of reading this work ; those...
Page 26 - This work is distinguished from other similar ones by its being based upon a thorough study of physical science, and an accurate knowledge of its present condition, and by its entering in a deeper and more unfettered manner than its predecessors upon the discussion of the appropriate psychological, ethical, and theological questions. The author keeps aloof at once from the a priori idealism and dreaminess of German speculation since Schelling, and from the onesidedness and narrowness of the empiricism...
Page 25 - W. ARCHER BUTLER, late Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Dublin. Edited from the Author's MSS., with Notes, by WILLIAM HEPWORTH THOMPSON, MA, Master of Trinity College, and Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Cambridge.