| Joseph Fenn - Mathematics - 1769 - 524 pages
...to be demonstrated. F f D PROPOSITION XXIII. THEOREM XVII. flj Q_U IANGULAR parallelograms (M & N) have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their fides (AC, CD & EC, CG) about the equal angles. Hypothefis. Thefis. The pKrs. M У N are equiangular,... | |
| Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1775 - 534 pages
...ratios that are the fame whh the ratios of the fides. And to this demonftration agrees the enunciation which is at prefent in the text, viz. Equiangular...to one another the ratio which is compounded of the H : VI. Book VI. the ratios of the fides : For the vulgar reading, " which is compounded of their fides,"... | |
| Euclid - 1781 - 552 pages
...ratios that are the fame with the ratios of the fides. And to this demonftration agrees the enunciation which is at prefent in the text, viz. Equiangular...to one another the ratio which is compounded of the G Book VI. the ratios of the fide* : For the vulgar readinp, " which is " pounded of their fides,"... | |
| John Playfair - Euclid's Elements - 1795 - 462 pages
...CD, as EF to GH. If therefore four ftraight lines, &•(:. Q^ED ' . . " • ' PROP. XXIII. THEO R. EQUIANGULAR parallelograms have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their fides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG... | |
| Alexander Ingram - Trigonometry - 1799 - 374 pages
...equal to GH ; AB is to CD, as EF t« GH. If therefore four ftraight lines, &c. Q^ED PROP. XXIII. THEOR. EQUIANGULAR parallelograms have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their fides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG... | |
| Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1804 - 528 pages
...to the pa- ^ rallelogram CH, as the ftraight line BC _ to CG; and the parallelogram CH is to •*-* CF, as the ftraight line CD is to CE; therefore the...fides" is abfurd. But in this Edition we have kept the Demonftration which is in the Greek text, tho' not fo fhort as Candalla's ; becaufe the way of finding... | |
| John Playfair, Euclid - Circle-squaring - 1804 - 468 pages
...toGH, AB is to CD. as EF to GH. If therefore four flraight lines, gtc. QED PR Or. PROP. XXIII. THEO R. parallelograms have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their fides. a i4. i. b n. 6. Let AC, CF "be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal... | |
| John Mason Good - 1813 - 714 pages
...those straight lines shall be proportionals. Prop. XXIII. Theor. Equiangular parallelograms li. и f to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their sides. Prop. XXIV. Theor. The parallelograms about the diameter of any parallelogram, are similar... | |
| Euclides - 1816 - 592 pages
...GH ; AB is to CD, as EF to GH. If therefore four straight lines, &c. QED PROP. XXIII. THEOR. Sec N. EQUIANGULAR parallelograms have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their sides. Let AC, CF be equiangular parallelograms, having the angle BCD equal to the angle ECG... | |
| John Mason Good - 1819 - 800 pages
...four straight lines be proportionals, those straight lines shall be proportionals. Prop. XXIII. Theor. Equiangular parallelograms have to one another the ratio which is compounded of the ratios of their sides. Prop. XXIV. Theor. The parallelograms about the diameter of any parallelogram, are similar... | |
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