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" EQUAL circles are those of which the diameters are equal, or from the centres of which the straight lines to the circumferences are equal. ' This is not a definition, but a theorem, the truth of ' which is evident; for, if the circles be applied to one... "
The Elements of Euclid: With Many Additional Propositions, & Explanatory ... - Page 70
by Euclid - 1853 - 136 pages
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The Elements of Euclid: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago ...

Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1762 - 488 pages
...diameters are equal, or from the centers of which the ftraight lines to the circumferences are equal. ' This is not a Definition but a Theorem, the truth...evident ; for if the circles be applied to one another, fo that their ' centers coincide, the circles muft likewife coincide, fince the ' ftraight lines from...
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The Elements of Euclid, Viz: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have ...

Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1775 - 534 pages
...diameters are equal, or from the centers of which the ftraight lines to the circumferences are equal. 1 This is not a definition but a theorem, the truth of which ' a evident ; for, if the circles be applied to one another, fo that 1 their centers coincide, the...
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The First Six Books: Together with the Eleventh and Twelfth

Euclid - 1781 - 542 pages
...diameters are, or from the centres of which the ftraight lines to the circumferences are equal. ' This is not a definition but a theorem, the truth...evident ; for, if the circles be applied to one another, fo that ' their centres coincide, the circles mult likewife coincide, ftnce ' the ftraight lines from...
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The Elements of Euclid: Also the Book of Euclid's Data ...cor. viz. The ...

Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1804 - 528 pages
...diameters are equal, or from the centers of which the ftraight lines to the circumferences are equal. « This is not a Definition but a Theorem, the truth...evident ; for if the circles be applied to one another, fo that * their centers coincide, the circles muft likewife coincide, fince « the ftraight lines from...
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The Elements of Euclid: The Errors, by which Theon, Or Others, Have Long Ago ...

Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1806 - 548 pages
...equal, or Book III. from the centres of which the straight lines to the circumferences are equal. < This is not a definition but a theorem, the truth...circles be applied to one another, so that < their centres coincide, the circles must likewise coincide, since < the straight lines from the centres are...
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The Elements of Euclid: Viz. the First Six Books, Together with the Eleventh ...

Euclid - Geometry - 1810 - 554 pages
...Book in from the centres of which the stiaight lines to the circumferen- Wy.^ ces are equal. - This not a definition but a theorem, the truth of which...circles be applied to one another, so that ' their centres coincide, the circles must likewise coincide, since ' the straight lines from the centres are...
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Pantologia. A new (cabinet) cyclopędia, by J.M. Good, O. Gregory ..., Volume 5

John Mason Good - 1813 - 714 pages
...diameters are equal, or from the centres of which the straight lines to the circumferences are equal. This is not a definition but a theorem, the truth...the circles be applied to one another, so that their centres coincide, the circles must likewise coincide, since the straight lines from the centres are...
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The Elements of Euclid; viz. the first six books, together with the eleventh ...

Euclides - 1814 - 556 pages
...III. or from the centres of which the straight lines to the cir- ^• p v~*' cumferences are equal. 'This is not a definition, but a theorem, the evident; for, if the circles be applied to one an' other, so that their centres coincide, the circles must likc' wise coincide, since the straight...
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The Elements of Euclid: Viz. the First Six Books, Together with the Eleventh ...

Euclides - 1816 - 592 pages
...from the centres of which the straight lines to the cir- ^— cumferences are equal. ' This is not definition, but a theorem, the truth of ( which is evident; for, if the circles be applied to one an' other, so that their centres coincide, the circles must like' wise coincide, since the straight...
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Pantologia. A new (cabinet) cyclopędia, by J.M. Good, O. Gregory ..., Volume 5

John Mason Good - 1819 - 714 pages
...which the straight lines to the circumference* aft' equal. This i- not a definition but a theorem, tbt truth of which is evident ; for, if the circles be applied to one another, so that their centres coin-, cide, the circle« must likewise coincide-, since the straight lines from the centres...
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