A collection of orders, regulations, and instructions, for the army; on matters of finance and points of discipline immediately connected therewith1807 - 641 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
abroad accompts additional allowances Adjutant Agent alfo annexed appointment Army Battalions Britain cafe Captain Cavalry certificate charge clothing Commander in Chief Commanding Officer commiffion Corporal Corps dated deduction diem directed District Paymasters Ditto Dragoon Guards Drummer eſtabliſhment expence faid fame Farriers Fencible ferving feven fhall fhould Foot Guards fuch fupplied furnished Head Quarters hereby Highness the Commander honor to acquaint horfe horſe horses Hospital Humble fervant iffued inclufive increaſe Infantry inftance Inftructions Lieutenant Colonel Majefty Majesty's ment Militia month Monthly moſt obedient neceffary neral nett Non-commiffioned Officers Non-commissioned Officers obedient humble Officer commanding Officers of Regiments paid Parties Pay and Allowance Pay Lifts Pay-Lists pence perfons period pleaſed pleaſure pounds prefent Private receive Recruiting Regi Regulations relative respective Royal Highness Secretary Secretary at War Servant Service ſhall Shillings Soldiers specified thereof transmitted Troops or Companies War Office War-Office Warrant
Popular passages
Page 311 - Fourth, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, in the sum of pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid '" our said Lord the King, His Heirs and Successors...
Page 311 - Defender of the Faith, in the Sum of Two hundred Pounds of good and lawful Money of Great...
Page 538 - Services, and also for such further Period as His Majesty shall please to direct, not to exceed in any Case Three Years, and to determine whenever Six Months shall have elapsed of continued Peace subsequent to the Expiration of the Term of [Seven, or Ten, or Twelve] Years...
Page 555 - Company are to be allowed for batmen, or Servants, not being Soldiers ; and Three Trusses per Troop or Company, for the Washerwomen, not having Paillasses, to be renewed every Sixteen Days.
Page 525 - ... the regiment, corps, or detachment to which he shall belong ; and the deputy postmaster of the place to which such letter shall be sent to be delivered shall not deliver such letter to any person except the...
Page 12 - ... upon a quantity not exceeding three quarters of a pound of meat, and one pound of bread, per day, for each man...
Page 75 - ... make, use, exercise, and vend his said invention within that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England, the dominion of Wales, and the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Page 323 - Divine service to tho men ; and he will empower the clergyman whose parish church he may attend, or who has done the duty of the regiment, to draw on the agent of the regiment.
Page 319 - Wherein the civil magistrates and all others concerned are to be assisting, in providing quarters and otherwise as there shall be occasion.
Page 540 - Pensions, how forfeited. Non-commissioned officers and soldiers, discharged before completion of service, and not conforming to any rules or regulations, prescribed by the commissioners of Chelsea Hospital, as to registering their names and places of abode, and notifying the same from time to time ; or not offering themselves on any proclamation of His Majesty, or not joining any garrison or veteran battalion, if required by the commissioners of Chelsea Hospital, to forfeit all claim to increase...