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Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
270. g.
TALES OF A Grandfather.-FRANCE.
CHAP. XVI.-Homage paid by Edward III. to Philip of
France in the Cathedral of Amiens-Edward subdues
Scotland, and resolves to assert his Claim (in right of
his Mother) to the Crown of France-obtains the consent
of his Parliament for an Invasion of France-Naval
Engagement at the entrance of the Harbour of Sluys, in
which the English are victorious-Siege of Saint Omer-
Siege of Tournay-a Truce for one year concluded, and
Edward returns to England-Prolongation of the Truce
-Dispute concerning the Succession to the Dukedom of
Bretagne The French King espouses the part of Charles
of Blois, who had been dispossessed of the Duchy by
John de Montfort-De Montfort taken, and imprisoned-
the masculine Courage of his Countess-English Suc-
cours, under Sir Walter Manny, thrown into the Town,
by whose gallantry the Siege is raised-Prosecution of
the War-Hennebon again besieged, and the siege again
raised-a Truce concluded-Renewal of the War-Ed-
ward takes the Field, and is opposed by John, the son
of Philip-Truce concluded-Fresh Rupture between the
Kings of France and England-Campaign under the Earl
of Derby-Siege of Auberoche raised by the gallantry of
Sir Walter Manny-Military Tactics at this period-
Feudal Chivalry-Free Companions-English Bows and
Bills-Italian Crossbowmen-French Infantry-Mer-
CHAP. XVII.-Edward III. loses several of his adherents
in the Low Countries his Interest is espoused by God-
frey of Harcourt-Invasion of Gascony-Philip marches
to the defence of Rouen, which is threatened by the
English-Manoeuvres of Edward, by which he accom-
plishes a passage across the Seine-He crosses the
Somme Battle of Cressy,
CHAP. XVIII.-Siege of Calais-War in Bretagne-Siege
of Roche-d'Arien-Anxiety of the two Monarchs, Edward
and Philip, to obtain the Alliance of the Flemings-The
People of Flanders favourable to Edward, and their Earl
to Philip-Attempt of Philip to raise the Siege of Calais
-Its Surrender-Noble Conduct of Eustace de Saint
Pierre, and five other Burgesses-they are ordered for
Execution by him, but saved by the intercession of his
Queen, Philippa-Measures of Edward for securing pos-
session of Calais-Sir Emeric of Pavia treats with Sir
Geoffrey Charny to betray the place to the French-his
Treachery discovered-Sir Emeric delivers Sir Geoffrey
to an Ambuscade of the English under Sir Walter Manny,
by whom the French Party are defeated, and their Leader,
Sir Geoffrey, taken Prisoner-Edward's treatment of the
Prisoners-Pestilence rages in France and England-
Submission of Godfrey of Harcourt to the French King-
Death of Philip VI.
CHAP. XIX.-Accession of John the Good-Truce with
England violated, but renewed-Intrigues of Charles
King of Navarre-Charles assassinates the Constable of
France, and extorts his pardon from the King-Edward
and his son, the Black Prince, invade France-the Black
Prince winters at Bourdeaux-King John assembles a
large army, and marches into Poitou-Battle of Poitiers
- King John taken Prisoner-his Reception by the Black
Prince-Return of the Prince, with his Prisoner, to En-
CHAP. XX.-Consequences to France of the Battle of Poi-
tiers-Disputes between the Dauphin and the States-Ge-
neral-Suppression of an Insurrection under Sir Godfrey
Harcourt, Siege of Rennes- Truce concluded-Capture
of the Castle of Evreux by Sir William Granville-Escape
of Charles of Navarre from Prison-he organizes the Fac-
tion of the Navarrois-Insolence of Marcel, Provost of
Paris-Insurrection of the Peasantry, called Jacquerie-
Partial Success of the Regent against the English-Treaty
for the ransom of King John-the states of France refuse
to sanction this treaty, and Edward again invades France-
Siege of Rheims-Peace of Bretigny-Death of King
John, and Accession of the Dauphin Charles,
CHAP. XXI.-War in Normandy-Battle of Cocherel-
War in Bretagne, between the adherents of De Montfort
and De Blois-Battle of Aurai-Financial Difficulties
of King Charles-Sumptuary Laws-Free Companions—
Charles's Plan of removing them from France their
leader Du Guesclin marches upon Avignon, and exacts
a Fine from the Pope-he next engages in a war against
Don Pedro the Cruel, King of Castile, and drives him
from his Kingdom-Pedro solicits assistance from the
Black Prince, and is by him reinstated in his Dominions
-Du Guesclin, having been taken Prisoner, is ransomed
-Tax upon Chimneys, called Fouage, imposed in Gas-
cony by the Black Prince-Unpopularity of this Tax, 135
CHAP. XXII.-Don Pedro of Castile taken prisoner, and
assassinated by his brother Henry-Charles of France
fosters the disaffections in Gascony-Mutual Preparations
for War-The Earl of Pembroke wastes Poitou-he is
enclosed by the French in the village of Puyrenon, and
rescued by Sir John Chandos-Ineffectual attempt of
Chandos to recover Saint Salvin-Skirmish at the Bridge
of Lussac, in which Chandos is slain-Edward III. sends
an army under his Son, John of Gaunt, to Calais-The
Duke of Burgundy, son of the King of France, marches
to oppose him, but, being unsuccessful, returns to Paris
-Predatory expedition of Sir Robert Knolles-Adven-
ture of a Knight in Knolles's army,....
CHAP. XXIII.-Revolt of Limoges to the French-the
Black Prince besieges and re-captures it-Death of the
Black Prince-Bertrand du Guesclin made Constable of
France-the Constable defeats the English at Pont Volant
-Marriage of the Duke of Lancaster to a daughter of
Don Pedro the Cruel, by which alliance Henry, the
Reigning King of Castile, is rendered an enemy to En-
gland-Defeat of the English Fleet by the Spanish, off
Rochelle-Rochelle delivered by the Mayor to the French
-the Constable captures Poitiers-Thouars besieged,
and surrenders to the French-King Charles drives the
Count de Montfort from Bretagne, and declares his duchy