| Euclid, John Keill - Geometry - 1733 - 446 pages
...Side AE of the Triangle DAE is produced, the Angle DEB will be f greater than the Angle D AE,t '6. x. but the Angle DAE is equal to the Angle DBE; therefore...fubtends the greater Angle. Wherefore DB is greater than DE. But DB only comes to the Circumference of the Circle; therefore DE does not reach fo far. And fo... | |
| Euclid - Geometry - 1765 - 492 pages
...AEB of the triangle DAE is produced, the angle DEB [by i6. i.] will be greater than the angle DAE. But the angle DAE is equal to the angle DBE: Therefore the angle DEB will be greater than the a\ angle D BE. But [by i8. i.] the greater fide is oppofite to the greater... | |
| John Keill - Geometry - 1772 - 462 pages
...Angle DEB is greater than the Angle DB E. But the greater Angle fubtends the greater 1 19. t. Side. Wherefore DB || is greater than' D E. But DB only...fo the Point E falls within the Circle. Therefore, if two* • • • t " Paints are affumed in the Circumference of a Circle, theRight Line joining... | |
| Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1781 - 534 pages
...AE a fide of the triangle DAE is produced to B, the angle DEB is greater c than the angle DAE ; but DAE is equal to the angle DBE, therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE. but to the greater angle the greater fide is oppofite J ; DB is therefore greater than DE. but DB is equal... | |
| Euclid - 1781 - 552 pages
...ciiTIT. e * ' *• d i9. -i DAE, is produced to B, the angle DEB is greaterc than die angle DAE; but DAE is equal to the angle DBE ; therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE: But to the greater ancle the greater fide is oppofite d ; DB is therefore greater than DE : But DB is equal... | |
| Alexander Ingram - Trigonometry - 1799 - 374 pages
...AE, a fide of the triangle DAE, is produced to B, the angle DEB is greater c than the angle DAE ; but DAE is equal to the angle DBE ; therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE : But to the greater angle the greater fide is oppofite d; DB is therefore greater than DE : But DB is equal... | |
| Robert Simson - Trigonometry - 1804 - 528 pages
...a fide of the triangle DAE is produced to B, the angle DEB ' is greater c than the angle DAE ; bu<t DAE is equal to the angle DBE, therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE. but to the greater angle the greater fide is oppofite d ; DB is therefore greater than DE. but DB is equal... | |
| John Playfair - Mathematics - 1806 - 320 pages
...AE, a side of the triangle DAE, is produced to B, the angle DEB is greater0 than the angle DAE. But DAE is equal to the angle DBE ; therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE ; therefore DB is greater than DEd. But BD is equal to DF ; wherefore DF is greater <|han DE, and the... | |
| Euclides - 1814 - 560 pages
...upon the circumference; it falls therefore within it. Wherefore, if any two points, &c. QED " 16- 1- to the angle DBE; therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE: But to the greater angle the greater side "l0Def. PROP. III. THEOR. IF a straight line drawn through the... | |
| Euclides - 1816 - 592 pages
...DAE, is produced to B, the angle *"—T^ DEB is greater0 than the angle DAE; but DAE is equal C16-1. to the angle DBE ; therefore the angle DEB is greater than the angle DBE : But to the greater angle the greater side * 19. 1. is opposite1*; DB is therefore greater than DE : But... | |
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