BEING A COLLECTION OF MORE THAN 2000 EXAMPLES IN The Elements of Algebra, THE THEORY OF EQUATIONS, EQUATIONS, AND SELECTED AND ARRANGED WITH THE VIEW OF ASSISTING BOTH PREFACE. THE object aimed at in the compilation of these pages, which have been collated chiefly from Cambridge Examination Papers, has been to obtain a Hand-book of Examples in Algebra and Equations, which may assist both the pupil and the teacher, and for that purpose great care has been taken to select such as may tend to exercise and promote a knowledge of elementary principles, and lead the student gradually to comprehend those of a more complex nature. Brighton, August, 1848. N. B. These Examples are published separately from a treatise on the Elements of Algebra and Algebraical Equations, to which they form an Appendix, and to which they are more particularly adapted. As a part of the above work are introduced model solutions and hints for solutions of all the Examples and Problems in this selection, with numerous additional examples. WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE EDUCATION OF THE MIDDLE CLASSES, 3d Edition. Price 1s. HATCHARD & SON, LONDON. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF ARITHMETIC AND MENSURATION, with the use of Logarithms; adapted for the use of Public and Private Schools, with numerous Examples. Price 4s. 6d. THE ELEMENTS Nearly ready. OF ALGEBRA AND THE THEORY OF EQUATIONS, with numerous Solutions of Equations and Problems, and above 2000 Examples and Problems, with Solutions or Hints for the Solution of the whole. THE ELEMENTS OF PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, with numerous Problems and Solutions, or Hints for the Solution of the whole. LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS: LONDON. |