Mathematical Instruments: Optical instrumentsLockwood & Company, 1871 - Drawing instruments |
Common terms and phrases
achromatic adjustment angular aperture aperture arrangement attached axis binocular parallax body camera centre chromatic aberration chromatic dispersion circular cloth boards colours concave condensing construction convex convex lens crystal diameter diaphragm direction disc distance distant object distinct vision Ditto ditto divergent draw-tube edge Edition Engineering enlarged equal eye-glass eye-lens eye-piece field of view fixed focal length focus goniometer ground glass horizontal inch inclination instrument lantern lens lenses magic lantern magnifying power micrometer milled head mirror motion mounted moved negative Newtonian telescope object-glass object-piece object-speculum oblique opaque objects optical paper parallel pass pencils of light photographed piece pillar placed plane reflector plano-convex lens plate portion position Practical prism produced rack and pinion rectangle ruled reflected refracting refracting telescopes right angles round scale screen screw side slides speculum spherical aberration stage stand stereoscopic surface telescope tion Treatise tube vertical Woodcuts
Popular passages
Page 3 - AN OUTLINE OF THE METHOD OF CONDUCTING A TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY. For the Formation of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans, Military Reconnaissance, LEVELLING, &c., with Useful Problems, Formulae, and Tables.
Page 9 - Villa Architecture. A HANDY BOOK of VILLA ARCHITECTURE ; being a Series of Designs for Villa Residences in various Styles. With Detailed Specifications and Estimates. By C. WICKES, Architect, Author of " The Spires and Towers of the Mediaeval Churches of England,
Page 11 - A Practical Treatise on Mechanical Engineering: Comprising Metallurgy, Moulding, Casting, Forging, Tools, Workshop Machinery, Mechanical Manipulation, Manufacture of SteamEngines, etc.
Page 5 - Each table is printed on a small card, which, being placed on the theodolite, leaves the hands free to manipulate the instrument— no small advantage as regards the rapidity of work.
Page 24 - A neat and concise book of reference, containing an admirable and clearly-arranged list of prices for inventories, and a very practical guide to determine the value of furniture, &c.
Page 7 - Mining Journal. Earthwork, Measurement and Calculation of. A MANUAL on EARTHWORK. By ALEX. JS GRAHAM, CE, Resident Engineer, Forest of Dean Central Railway. With numerous Diagrams. i8mo, 2s. 6d. cloth. " As a really handy book for reference, we know of no work equal to it ; and the railway engineers and others employed in the measurement and calculation of earthwork will find a great amount of practical information very admirably arranged, and available for general or rough estimates, as well as...
Page 18 - A complete encyclopaedia of the materia tinctoria. The information given respecting each article is full and precise, and the methods of determining the value of articles such as these, so liable to sophistication, are given with clearness, and are practical as well as valuable."— Chemist and Druggist.
Page 3 - A TREATISE ON THE METALLURGY OF IRON : containing Outlines of the History of Iron Manufacture, Methods of Assay, and Analyses of Iron Ores, Processes of Manufacture of Iron and Steel, &c. By H. BAUERMAN, FGS, Associate of the Royal School of Mines.
Page 10 - Drawing for Engineers, &c. THE WORKMAN'S MANUAL OF ENGINEERING DRAWING. By JOHN MAXTON, Instructor in Engineering Drawing, Royal Naval College, Greenwich, formerly of RSNA, South Kensington. Third Edition, carefully revised. With upwards of 300 Plates and Diagrams. I2mo, cloth, strongly bound, 4^. " A copy of it should be kept for reference in every drawing office.
Page 4 - Levelling. A TREATISE on the PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE of LEVELLING ; showing its Application to Purposes of Railway and Civil Engineering, in the Construction of Roads ; with Mr. TELFORD'S Rules for the same. By FREDERICK W. SIMMS, FGS, M. Inst.