| Methodist Church - 1860 - 722 pages
...furnished to Europe by Wiley. THE METHODIST QUARTERLY REVIEW. APRIL, 1860. ART. I.— THE MODERN NOVEL. British Novelists and their Styles : Being a Critical Sketch of the History of British Prose Fiction. By DAVID MASSON, MA, Author of the " Life and limes of John Milton." Boston : Gould & Lincoln. 1859.... | |
 | Universalism - 1858 - 906 pages
...logic ; but we cannot name the other man that so entirely puts himself into his words as Spurgeon. 8. British Novelists and their Styles : being a Critical Sketch of the History of British Prose Fiction. By David Masson, MA Boston: Gould & Lincoln. 1859. pp. 312. After Thackery, it might be thought presumption... | |
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...MA Professor of English Literature in University College, London. Svo. cloth, 12*. 6rf. MASSON.— British Novelists and their Styles ; being a Critical Sketch of the History of British Prose Fiction. By DAVID MASSON, MA Crown Svo. cloth, Is. 6d. MASSON.— Life of John Milton, narrated in Connexion... | |
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...DISEASES OF THK HEART. By James Wardrop, MD New edition, revised, with large additions. 6vo. . . 4 50 BRITISH NOVELISTS AND THEIR STYLES: being a Critical Sketch of the History of Hriliah Pros« Fiction, liy David Ыиьзоп, M. A, uuthur oi' "The Lile of Milton." Crown 8vo. ............. | |
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...imparted to them an aspect of novelty by his ildlful rearrangement." — EDINBURGH REVIEW. April, I860. 2. British Novelists and their Styles : Being a Critical...of the History of British Prose Fiction. Crown 8vo. cloth, 7*. &d. " A work eminently calculated to win popularity, both by the soundness of iti doctrine... | |
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...pp. 363. $1.50. The Rectory of Moreland; or, My Duty. Boston. JE Tilton & Co. 12mo. pp. 839. $1.00. British Novelists and their Styles; being a Critical Sketch of the History of British Prose Fiction. By David Masson, MA, Professor of English Literature, University College, London. Author of " The Life... | |
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...MA Professor of English Literature in University College, London. 8vo. cloth, 12». 6d. MASSON.— British Novelists and their Styles ; being a Critical Sketch of the History of British Prose Fiction. By DAVID MASSON, MA Crown 8vo. cloth, It. 6d. MASSON.— Life of John Milton, narrated in Connexion... | |
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...imparted to them an aspect of norelty by his skilful rearrangement:'— EDIHBUROH KETBW. April, 1860. 2. British Novelists and their Styles : Being a Critical...of the History of British Prose Fiction. Crown 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. " A mark eminently calculated to wia popularity, bath by (he smmdnesl of ill doctrine... | |
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...The biographer has large acquaintance with his period, deep lone for his author." — ATHEN -£CM. 2. British Novelists and their Styles : Being a Critical...of the History of British Prose Fiction. Crown 8vo. clotb, Ts. 6d. "A work eminently calculated to win popularity, both oy the soundness of its doctrine... | |
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...appropriate beauty of language. These Essaysshould be popular Kith serious men. — THE ATHENÄUM. 2. British Novelists and their Styles : Being a Critical...of the History of British Prose Fiction. Crown 8vo. cloth, 7s. Ы. " A wort eminently calculated to win popularity, lotit by the soundness of its doctrine... | |
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