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Ms of these epistles of a different character from our extant MS. In the copy which Photius used (Bibl. 126) the two Epistles of Clement were bound up in a small volume (ßißλidápiov) with the Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians.


The Literature connected with the Epistle.


*1633 Oxon. Clementis ad Corinthios Epistola Prior; PATRICIUS JUNIUS (P. Young). The 'editio princeps'. After the 1st

Epistle is added Fragmentum Epistola Secundæ ex eodem MS, but it is not named on the title page.

1637 Oxon. A second edition of the same.

1654 Helmest. Clementis ad Corinthios Epistola Prior; J. J. MADER: taken from Young's edition. Some introductory matter is prefixed, and the 2nd Epistle is added as in Young.

1669 Oxon. S. Patris et Martyris Clementis ad Corinthios Epistola; J. FELL (the name however is not given). The 2nd Epistle

is wanting.

1677 Oxon. A 2nd edition of the same.

Clementis ad Corinthios

Epistola II is added, but not named on the title page. The name of the editor is still suppressed.

*1672 Paris.

SS. Patrum qui temporibus Apostolicis floruerunt etc. Opera etc.; J. B. COTELERIUS (Cotelier).

1698 Antverp. The same: 'recensuit J. CLERICUS' (Leclerc). 1724 Amstelæd. Another edition of Cotelier by Leclerc. The notes of W. Burton and J. Davies are here printed with others, some of them for the first time.

1687 Londini. S. Clementis Epistolæ duæ ad Corinthios etc.; P. COLOMESIUS (Colomiès).

1695 Londini. The same; 'editio novissima, prioribus longe auctior'. 1699 Lipsiæ. Bibliotheca Patrum Apostolicorum Græco-Latina; L. T.


*1718 Cantabr. Sancti Clementis Romani ad Corinthios Epistolæ duæ ; H. WOTTON. See above, p. 24. This edition contains notes by J. Bois, Canon of Ely, not before edited.

1721 Paris. Epistolæ Romanorum Pontificum etc.; P. COUSTANT. 1796 Gotting. The same, re-edited by C. T. G. SCHOENEMANN.


ball. Epistola Sanctorum Patrum Apostolicorum etc.; J. L.


Londini. SS. Patrum Apostolicorum etc. Opera Genuina etc.;

1705 Venet.

Bibliotheca Veterum Patrum etc. (1. p. 3 sq.); A. GALLANDIUS. The editor has availed himself of a treatise by A. Birr, Animadversiones in B. Clementis Epistolas, Basil. 1744.

1839 Tubing. Patrum Apostolicorum Opera; C. J. HEFELE. The 4th ed. appeared in 1855.

*1840 Oxon.

S. Clementis Romani, S. Ignatii, S. Polycarpi, Patrum Apostolicorum, quæ supersunt; GUL. JACOBSON. See above, p. 24. The 4th edition appeared in 1863.

1857 Lipsia. Patrum Apostolicorum Opera; A. R. M. DREssel. The so called 2nd edition (1863) is a mere reissue, with

the addition of a collation of the Sinaitic text of Barnabas and Hermas.

*1866 Lipsiæ. Clementis Romani Epistulæ etc.; A. HILGENFELD. It forms the first part of the Novum Testamentum extra Canonem Receptum.

To these editions should perhaps be added such translations as those by Wake (revised by Chevallier, Cambr. 1833) into English, and by Wocher (Tübing. 1830) into German.

The above list is not intended to be exhaustive; but I have not (except from ignorance) omitted any edition which has contributed in any degree to the criticism or exegesis of the epistle. Mere reproductions have been omitted. Viewed by this standard, the list will appear too large rather than too meagre. The most important works are those marked with an asterisk. Further details about editions and translations will be found in Fabricius Bibl. Græc. iv. p. 829 sq. (ed. Harles), and Jacobson's Patres Apostolici p. lxiv sq.


1848 Clemens I Papst; HEFELE in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchen-Lexicon (II. p. 580 sq.).


Clément de Rome; KAYSER in the Revue de Théologie etc. II. p. 85 sq. Strasbourg.

1854 Disq. Crit. et Hist. de Clementis Romani Priore ad Corinthios

Epistola; E. EKKER. Traj. ad Rhen.

1854, 5, Der Erste Brief des Clemens Romanus an die Corinther; E. GUNDERT. In the Zeitschrift f. lutherische Theologie u. Kirche (XIV. p. 638 sq., xv. p. 29 sq., p. 450 sq.).

1854 Clemens von Rom; G. UHLHORN. In Herzog's Real-Encyklopädie (11. p. 720 sq.).

1855 De Clementis Romani Epistola ad Corinthios Priore Disquisitio; R. A. LIPSIUS. Lipsiæ.

1856 Ueber Clemens von Rom und die nächste Folgezeit; G. Volkmar. In the Theologische Jahrbücher, v. p. 287. Tübing.

1863 Zur Kritik des Clemens von Rom; J. C. M. LAURENT.

In the

Zeitschrift f. lutherische Theologie u. Kirche (xxiv. p. 416). 1862 Historische Analekten aus dem ersten Briefe des Clemens Rom. an die Corinther; KNÖDEL. In Theologische Studien u. Kritiken (1862, Hft. 1. p. 764 sq.).

Of these the most important is the monograph of Lipsius. The work of A. Kestner, Die Agape oder der geheime Weltbund der Christen von Klemens in Rom unter Domitians Regierung gestiftet (Jena, 1819), has been justly described as a romance.

GENERAL WORKS, illustrating the epistle.

(i) Apostolic Fathers:

Die Apostolischen Väter; A. HILGENFELD (1853).

The Apostolical Fathers; J. DONALDSON. Being the first volume of A Critical History of Christian Literature

and Doctrine (1864).

Other works are mentioned by Donaldson, p. 89.

(ii) Patristic Literature:

TILLEMONT, and others.

(iii) Church Histories:

MOSHEIM, NEANDER, Gieseler, Baur, SCHAFF,.de Pres-
SENSÉ, and others.

(iv) Miscellaneous:

Entwicklungsgeschichte der Lehre von der Person Christi ;

Histoire de la Théologie Chrétienne au Siècle Apostolique;
E. REUSS (2nd ed. 1860).

The Credibility of the Gospel History; N. LARDNER.

Zur Geschichte des Kanons; K. A. CREDNER (1847).

A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New
Testament; B. F. WESTCOTT (2nd ed. 1865).

Geschichte des Neutestamentlichen Kanon; C. A. CREDNER.
Edited by G. VOLKMAR.

Geschichte des Volkes Israel (Band VII); H. EWALD.
Die Anfänge der Christlichen Kirche etc.; R. ROTHE.
Die Clementinen etc.; A. SCHLIEMANN.

Das Nachapostolische Zeitalter etc.; A. SCHWEGLER.
Die Enstehung der Altkatholischen Kirche; A. RITSCHL
(2nd ed. 1857).

Das Apostolische u. das Nachapostolische Zeitalter etc.;
G. V. LECHLER (2nd ed. 1857).

Hippolytus and his Age; C. C. J. BUNSEN (2nd ed. 1854).

This last list might be considerably increased; but I have confined it to the works which are either most important in themselves or bear most directly on this epistle. To these should be added the more important editions of the other Clementine letters, and works relating to the pseudo-Clementine literature generally.



[Η ΕΚΚΛΗ]CIA τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡ παροικοῦσα [Ρώμην] τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ τοῦ Θεοῦ τῇ παροικούσῃ Κόρινθον, κλη

Throughout this Epistle the brackets [] mark the portions which have perished or are illegible in the MS and have been supplied by conjecture: see above, p. 26. προς ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΟΥΣ Α. For the title of this epistle in the MS see above p. 22.

"THE CHURCH OF ROME to the CHURCH OF CORINTH, elect and consecrate: greeting in Christ Jesus.'

On the form of the address, as connected with the question of the authorship, see the introduction, p. 3. The writer's name is suppressed here, as it seems also to have, been suppressed in another letter of the Church of Rome to the Church of Corinth written more than half a century later during the episcopate of Soter; see Dionys. Corinth. in Euseb. H. E. iv. 23.

1. παροικοῦσα] 'sojourning in! The distinction between πάροικος α temporary and κάτοικος a permanent resident appears from Philo Sacr. Ab. et Cain. § 1o (I. p. 170) ὁ γὰρ τοῖς ἐγκυκλίοις μόνοις ἐπανέχων παροικεῖ σου φίᾳ οὐ κατοικεῖ, de Conf. ling. § 17 (1. p. 416) κατώκησαν ὡς ἐν πατρίδι, οὐχ ὡς ἐπὶ ξένης παρώκησαν, Greg. Naz. Orat. xiv (I. p. 271) τίς τὴν κάτω σκηνὴν καὶ τὴν ἄνω πόλιν (διαιρήσει) ; τίς παροικίαν καὶ κατοικίαν; Orat. vii (I. p. 200) ἐκ τῆς παροικίας εἰς τὴν κατοικίαν μετασκευαζόμενοι : comp. Gen. xxxvi. 44

(xxxvii. 1) κατῴκει δὲ Ἰακὼβ ἐν τῇ γῇ οὗ παρῴκησεν ὁ πατὴρ αὐτοῦ ἐν γῇ Χαναάν, Heb. xi. 9, Luke xxiv. 18. Thus πάροικος, παροικεῖν, παροικία, are said of the captivities of Egypt (Acts vii. 6 from LXX, xiii. 17) and of Babylon (Theoph. ad Aut. iii. 25, 28). See especially the uses of παροικεῖν, κατοικεῖν, in reference to the migrations of Israel, in Judith v. 7—1o. Of these captivities the present earthly condition of the Christian people is the antitype (Heb. iv. 1). Their fatherland is heaven, and they dwell in the world as aliens, ξένοι, παρεπίδημοι, πάροικοι, 1 Pet. i. 17, ii. II : comp. Heb. xi. 13. So too Clem. Rom. ii. § 5 καταλείψαντες τὴν παροικίαν τοῦ κόσμου τούτου, Ep. ad Diogn. 5 πατρίδας οἰκοῦσιν ἰδίας ἀλλ ̓ ὡς πάροικοι μετέχουσι πάντων ὡς πολῖται καὶ πάνθ ̓ ὑπομένουσιν ὡς ξένοι· πᾶσα ξένη πατρίς ἐστιν αὐτῶν καὶ πᾶσα πατρὶς ξένη, where the writer is describing the Christians. Compare also the parable in Hermas Vis. I. I. In the prologue to Ecclesiasticus οἱ ἐν τῇ παροικίᾳ are the Jews of the dispersion, so that παροικία is al

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