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with the most important arithmetical operations performed with whole
numbers and decimals. But we flatter ourselves that these are treat-
ed in a manner which will be found satisfactory. The nature of roots
and powers has been more fully explained in the present edition, and
several new diagrams introduced for their elucidation. Throughout
the first and second part, it has been our main object to familiarize
the pupil with the fundamental principles of the science, believing
that when these are well understood, he will find no difficulty in ap-
plying them to the particular cases which may occur.

The third part is mostly practical, and composed of such rules and
other matters as we conceived would be interresting and useful to the
student and the man of business. The Book Keeping is sufficiently
extensive to qualify the pupil for country business, in the capacity of
either of farmer, mechanic or merchant.

NOTE. In his progress through the second part the pupil should be
constantly referred to such articles in the first part, as involve the same
principles, and be required not only to give a mental solution of the ques-
tjons in those articles, but a written one upon his slate.

[blocks in formation]





That frequent exercises in mental computations, havea salutary influence upon the mind, by inducing habits of attention, by strengthening the memory, and by producing a promptness of recollection, is, at present, very generally admitted. And, that exercises of this kiad should be more extensively introduced into our primary schools, is acknowl. edged, and even urged, by our most experienced and successful teach


The success, which has, in most cases, attended the introduction of Intellectual Arithmetic into schools, has been such, as would doubtless appear incredible to those unaccustomed to witness it; but experience has shown that children may be made acquainted with the first principles of Arithmetic at as early an age as they can be taught the Alphabet and its most simple combinations. We have seen, says Dr. Griscom, a class of girls, whose ages everage not more than nine years, by the force of memory, and a few plain rules, multiply seven or eight figures by an equal number, enumerate and announce accurately the product and then extract the square root of this large product, and state the root and the remainder, without varying a figure from the truth.

In the ordinary course of instruction, Arithmetic has been studied only by the boys; and by them it has usually been defered to the very last portion of their attendance at school. The consequence has been, that few have become familiar with its first principles, before they have been obliged to quit school and enter upon the business of life. Commencing the study of Arithmetic at this advanced period, the scholar is sensible that he has but little time to devote to it, but, being determined to cipher through his book, he applies himself with diligence, yet he hurries on from rule to rule with such rapidity, that he learns nothing as he ought. He may indeed reach the end and thus accomplish his principal purpose; but, of what he has gone over, scarcely a trace remains upon his mind. He has not even made him. self thoroughly acquainted with the elements of the science, nor has he made himself so familiar with the rules as to derive from them any considerable advantage in the transaction of business.

It is asserted with confidence, that children, after having learned to talk, cannot too soon be made acquainted with numbers, and exercised in mental computations. But great care should be taken that these exercises be adapted to the age and capacity of the child-that the questions proposed, be such as the child can fully comprehend. And as young children are incapable of the exercise of abstraction, the instructer will find it necessary to begin by employing sensible objects. These should be placed before the child, and the first questions proposed should relate to the objects themselves, and be solved by them. Questions may then be asked respecting things which are not present; and the child may soon be led to conceive the objects before him to represent men, cents, or any other things you please. In performing these exercises the child will at length discover that numbers are not inherent qualities of the objects themselves, but that they merely denote a succession of similar quantities, and may be applied as well to one kind of quantity as another. After this discovery the child will find but little difficulty in forming a conception of abstract numbers, that is, of numbers, or successions, without applying them to any specific objects.

By repeating and varying these simple operations, children will soon become familiar with the fundamental principles of Arithmetic and their application to practical purposes. They will at the same time be acquiring habits of attention, and a promptness of computation, which will be of inestimable value to them in after life. And this may be done in our primary schools, as an amusement and relaxation to the scholars, without interrupting, in the least, their other pursuits. The proper place to commence these instructions is in our summer schools. These, it is true, are usually taught by females, many of whom have not had the advantages of much arithmetical instruction. But this defect in their qualifications, is not owing to a want of capacity to learn, but to a fault of the times when the study of Arithmetic was regarded as proper only for boys. But those times are passing by and with them this defect will vanish. A moderate share of attention to the subject would enable every young lady, who engages in teaching, to give instruction in the Intellectual Arithmetic contained in this work, and it is believed that they would find themselves amply repaid for this attention by the improvement of their owa minds. By beginning with children at the commencement of their going to school, every boy and girl of ordinary capacity may be made more thoroughly acquainted with the principles of Arithmetic before they arrive at the age of ten years, than most of our scholars are on leaving school, after having plodded through all the rules of Arithmetic in the ordinary way. Some knowledge of Arithmetic is no less necessary to the female sex than to our own; and experience has proved, that, if the course, here recommended, be pursued, they will not be found less capable of proficiency in this science. It is hoped that our instrncters, both male and female, will take this subject into consideration and unite their efforts in bringing about a reformation so desirable in the course of arithmetical instruction.


1. In commencing a course of instruction in Intellectual Arithmetic with very young children, it should be the teacher's first object to learn them to count. For this purpose beans, small blocks of wood, marks on a slate or paper, or some other sensible objects must be employed. It would perhaps be advisable to use no more than five counters at first, and in selecting these, care should be taken that they resemble each other as nearly as possible, that the child may not be led to suppose that the names used in counting denote a difference among the objects employed. Having called the little class around him, the instructer should begin by laying down one of the counters, which he has provided, and which we shall here suppose to be beans, and saying, there is one, require the children to repeat after him, one. Then, putting down another, he should say, one and one are two. Another bean may then be laid down, and the children taught in like manner to count three; and so on to five. After the children have learned to count five with facility, five more beans may be taken and the children taught in the same way to count ten; after which they may be taught, by the help of the beans, to answer the following questions:

2. 1. How many beans are one beans and two beans?

bean and one bean more?

2. How many beans are

beans and one bean?

15. How many beans are sever

two beans and two beans?

3. How many beans are three beans and two beans ?

beans and one bean?

beans and one bean?

beans and one bean?

6. How many beans are six beans and three beans?

16. How many beans are eigh

17. How many beans are two

4. How many beans are

fourbeans and three beans?

18. How many beans are three

5. How many beans are

five beans and three beans?

19. How many beans are four

beans and one bean?

20. How many beans are five

7. How many beans are

seven beans and three beans?

beans and one bean?

21. How many beans are six

8. How many beans are

eight beans and three beans?

beans and one bean?

22. How many beans are seven

9. How many beans are

nine beans and three beans?

23. How many beans are two

24. How many beans are three

beans and one bean ?

10. How many beans are two beans and four beans?

beans and two beans?

11. How many beans are three beans and four beans?

beans and two beans?

25. How many beans are four

12. How many beans are four beans and four beans?

beans and two beans?,

26. How many beans are five

13. How many beans are five beans and four beans?

beans and two beans?

27. How many beans are six

14. How many beans are six beans and four beans?

* This Section is designed for very young children; older ones may commence at Section II.

28. How many beans are two beans and five beans?

29. How many beans are three beans and five beans?

30. How many beans are four beans and five beans?

31. How many beans are five beans and five beans?

32. How many beans are two beans and six beans?

33. How many beans are three beans and six beans?

34. How many beans are four beaus and six beans?

35. How many beans are two beans and seven beans?

36. How many beans are three beans and seven bears?

37. How many beans are two beans and seven beans?

[blocks in formation]


46. How many hands have five


47. How many legs are there to a chair?

3. 1. How many beans are two times two beans?

times one bean?

17. How many beans are three

2. How many beans are three times three beans?

times one bean?

18. How many beans are four

3. How many beans are fourtimes two beans? times one bean?

19 How many beans are five

4. How many beans are five times two beans? times one bean?

5. How many beans are six times one bean?

6. How many beans are seven times one hean?

7. How many beans are eight times one bean?

8. How many beans are times one bean?

9. How many beans are

times one bean?

time one bean?


20. If I give two boystwo plumbs a piece, how many plumbs will both have?

21. At one cent a piece how much do four apples cost?

22. At two cents a piece how much do three pears cost?

23. What animal has as many again feet as you have? and how

ten many feet has it?

24. How many eyes have two

11. How many beans are one boys?

10. How many beans are

one boys?

25. How many ears have three

26. How many eyes and ears

27. How many gloves do two

time two beans?

12. How many beans are two have two boys ?

times two beans?

13. How many beans are two pair of hands require ? times three beans?

28. How many ear rings must I

14. How many beans are twoget for three pair of ears? times four beans? 29. I gave a boy three cents and 15. How many beans are two he gave me twice as many apples, times five beans?

16. How many beans are threel

how many did he give me?

30. What do three oranges cost

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