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In respect of intellect, Southey was nearly as great as is possible for a man not absolutely first-rate. His reputation for genius has suffered more from his own unrivalled and inconceivable industry than from any other cause. Not only did people think it impossible for a great poet to be capable of such hard work and such business-like punctuality in its executionto be equally ready to write an Indian Tale and a History of Brazil-to narrate the exploits of a Thalaba and a Wesley-to sing the first great Spanish war against the Moor, and to record the last one against the Frenchman-to indite a ballad and an article for the Quarterly Review; not only did all this obscure and perplex the popular conception of a poet, but by directing men's attention to a much greater variety of topics than they had room in their minds for, diverted it from those which each might have found congenial to himself, on which he might also have found Southey speaking to him in strains to which he would have delighted to listen. For, although he, the same man, was equally willing to write, no one of us is equally willing and ready to read a life of Nelson and a History of Brazil, an Epic Poem, and a sketch of Methodism: and when a man's works comprehend all these, and much more besides, we are deterred, to some extent, from looking at any one of them. So connected with life is all really interesting literature, that we are attracted to books by our conception of the author, and where that takes no marked form, and points in no one direction, we are not greatly allured to the works themselves. No very delightful mind is encyclopædic-no very original one unboundedly various.

Wherefore his extraordinary copiousness and variety, both in prose and verse, while it kept Southey before the public eye, kept him further away from the human heart than he would otherwise have been. Not only would he have spoken more thrillingly and impassionedly had he spoken less; not only would his words have come from greater deeps of his own heart, and reached to greater in the hearts of others, had they been fewer and rarer, and more uniform in their direction; not only would he have gained in tension and concentration, by confining his aims, but in point of fact his great works, as they are, would have more justice done to them. For the surprising thing is, not that such a writer should, with all his powers, have indicated what may be called a laxity in art, or a want of that wistful earnestness, that deep-mouthed utterance with which the very greatest geniuses speak, but that this should not have been much more the case than it actually was. First-rate a man could not have been, who had his fixed hours for epic poetry, for reviewing and for history, and who passed from one to the other at the stroke of the clock; but it is astonishing that he was so great a second-rate man-that his genius showed itself so powerful and original. Desiderate in them what you will, Thalaba, the Curse of Kehama, and Roderick, are wonderful poems; and while we find it hard to imagine that posterity will, any more than the present generation, familiarize itself with all the contents of the ten volumes of Southey's poetical works, in addition to the whole library of his prose ones, we think, that these three performances will stand forth as English classics, at once the property of all subsequent ages, and illustrious monuments of that which produced them.

Yet, great as they are, they have not received the attention due to them in our time. They have, indeed, been abundantly noticed by reviewers, and they were delighted in by their author's great contemporaries, but their contents are not familiar to the general reader. There exists an impression, most unjust as regards them, but not to be wondered at under the circumstances, that though fine in parts, they are bores on the whole. Yet most unjust such an impression is, for not only are they rife with beauty, but never were three works more interesting throughout. One of their author's especial gifts was the construction of a story. In the three poems before us, as well as in Madoc, the whole fabric of the tale was woven out of his own brain; for hardly an incident within the action of Roderick is historical, and we need not vouch for the fictitious character of the others. And yet how interesting they are. We read with breathless suspense, even when the scene, the agency, and the events are most removed from the sphere of humanity, of of nature, or of possibility. It is strange that such a master of machinery, such a constructor of a tale, was not tempted in the present day to write a novel. "The Doctor," though a most delightful book, can hardly be accounted one; and though a work of fiction, has nothing that can well be called a plot. But Southey's powers of invention and disposition were such as must have enabled him to rival Mrs. Radcliffe, or even Schiller's Ghost Seer. Had he undertaken a serial, he must have harrowed us as much as we believe the last-mentioned work harrowed the author's countrymen, coming out as it did in numbers. Southey, however, confined the exercise of this gift to his poetical tales, and wonderful indeed is its exercise there. Of these we propose now to consider the three eminent ones, which we almost wish had stood alone among his poetical works, and of which, in that case, the public must have taken a more undistracted view.

Of all his poems, Thalaba is the one most calculated to be popular. An Arabian tale as such has always a fair chance of favour; our earliest imaginative associations hang round the empire of Ishmael; and the affinity between the Arabian mind and the Hebrew makes us feel at home, to some extent, among Mussulmen and their sentiments. In Thalaba we have all this pleasure undisturbed. The tale is thoroughly Arabian, according at least to untravelled notions of Arabia. The machinery, though supernatural, is both consistent with Mahommedan, and not abhorrent to Christian Theism; and though on a vast scale, it never disturbs our interest in Thalaba. The exquisite music of the verse, of which the uncertain movement is not aided in its impression by rhyme, attests the author's ear and his skill. We cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of quoting the exquisite opening

"How beautiful is night!

A dewy freshness fills the silent air;
No mist obscures, nor cloud, nor speck, nor stain,
Breaks the serene of heaven,

In full-orb'd glory yonder Moon divine
Rolls through the dark blue depths.
Beneath her steady ray
The desert-circle spreads,
Like the round ocean, girdled with the sky.
How beautiful is night!"

The story of the destruction of Ad, which almost immediately follows, is very fine and impressive; and nothing can be more charming in their way than the happy scenes of Thalaba's boyhood and youth around the tent of Moath. Let those who dread Southey as a tedious writer set out with the Destroyer in his great enterprise. Our space only permits us to quote some of the verses which usher in its tremendous consummation, nearly as bright and elastic as can be found in the language.

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Through fearful perils thou must pass,..
Stranger, the wretched ask thine aid!
Thou wilt embark with me!'
She smiled in tears upon the youth;
What heart were his who could gainsay
That melancholy smile?
'I will,' quoth Thalaba,
'I will, in Allah's name!'

"He sate him on the single seat,
The little boat moved on.
Through pleasant banks the quiet stream
Went winding pleasantly;
By fragrant fir-groves now it past,
And now, through alder-shores,
Through green and fertile meadows now
It silently ran by.

The flag-flower blossom'd on its side,
The willow tresses waved,

The flowing current furrow'd round
The water-lily's floating leaf,
The fly of green and gauzy wing,
Fell sporting down its course;
And grateful to the voyager
The freshness that it breathed,

And soothing to his ear
Its murmur round the prow.
The little boat falls rapidly,
Adown the rapid stream.

"But many a silent spring meantime,
And many a rivulet and rill
Had swoln the growing stream;
And when the southern Sun began
To wind the downward way of heaven,
It ran a river deep and wide,
Through banks that widen'd still.
Then once again the Damsel spake :
The stream is strong, the river broad,
Wilt thou go on with me?
The day is fair, but night must come
Wilt thou go on with me?
Far, far away, the sufferer's eye
For thee hath long been looking,
Thou wilt go on with me!'
'Sail on, sail on,' quoth Thalaba,
Sail on, in Allah's name!'
The little boat falls rapidly
Adown the river-stream.



"A broader and yet broader stream,
That rock'd the little boat!

The Cormorant stands upon its shoals,
His black and dripping wings
Half open'd to the wind.

The Sun goes down, the crescent Moon
Is brightening in the firmament;
And what is yonder roar,
That sinking now, and swelling now,

But evermore increasing,
Still louder, louder, grows?
The little boat falls rapidly

Adown the rapid tide;

The Moon is bright above,

And the great Ocean opens on their way.

Then did the Damsel speak again,

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Wilt thou go on with me?

The moon is bright, the sea is calm,

I know the ocean-paths;
Wilt thou go on with me?..
Deliverer! yes! thou dost not fear!
Thou wilt go on with me!'
'Sail on, sail on!' quoth Thalaba,
'Sail on, in Allah's name!'
"The moon is bright, the sea is calm,
The little boat rides rapidly

Across the ocean waves;
The line of moonlight on the deep
Still follows as they voyage on;

The winds are motionless;
The gentle waters gently part
In dimples round the prow.
He looks above, he looks around,
The boundless heaven, the boundless sea,
The crescent moon, the little boat,
Nought else above, below."

The Curse of Kehama is less free and nimble than Thalaba. A tropical heat seems to reside in its sometimes all but intolerable splendour, a tropical vegetation to animate and inform its gigantic and portentous growths. All this is as it should be, and shows at once how lively and well-directed was the author's imagination. We really feel in passing from Thalaba to Kehama that we have passed from Arabia to India.

That especial genius of Southey for constructing a plot of which we have made mention, stands forth very conspicuously here. Never were materials more unpromising. The preliminary to the whole plot-Kehama's irresistible power-is a notion so monstrous and uncongenial to the European, if not to the Hindoo mind, the scene of more than half the tale being in other worlds, the lover of the heroine not being a man, and the strange and incredible cosmography-all threaten to deprive the poem of anything like human interest. Yet in the author's hands none of these hindrances are allowed to have power. We hang with absorbed attention on each crisis of Kailyal's fate,albeit, her foe is an almighty man, and her lover a Glendoveer ; and she herself is sometimes in the Swerga, and at others in Padalon. Still she is to us a beautiful earthly maiden, human in all her joys, sorrows, hopes, and fears. One thing certainly helps the story, and that is curiosity. It is so difficult to conceive what possible extrication can be found for Ladurlad, Kailyal, or the Universe itself, from the difficulties caused by Kahama's achievement of unbounded power, that a reader's mind must be strangely constituted who does not either go on or look at the end. And never was anything more finely imagined than that extrication; never was a bad man represented as himself working out his own ruin on so large a scale; never was a truer lesson taught those who lust after power, than that nothing "less than omniscience can suffice to wield omnipotence. After having by his successful accomplishment of sacrifice wrung the gift of omnipotence from the reluctant gods, after having conquered Padalon and its lord, he must needs drink out of the Amreeta cup, which, by rendering him immortal, would make him altogether a god. The triumph of evil seems at hand, for by the laws of things, after such sacrifices as his, that cup cannot be refused him. Kailyal appears destined to become the victim of his wicked will, from which not even the power of Seeva seems able to preserve her; and if she still refuse compliance, her father is to pay the penalty in endless

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