114 ECCLESIASTICAL INTELLIGENCE. ORDINATIONS APPOINTED. BP. OF LINCOLN, Sept. 24. ORDINATIONS. By the ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, on Sunday, June 11. DEACONS. Of Oxford.-H. Milne, Brasen.; H. Pigot, B.A. Brasen.; M. J. T. Boys, B.A. Wadh. Of Cambridge.-P. J. Croft, B.A. Trin.; H. L. Jenner, B.A. Trin. H.; C. Lawford, B.A. Trin.; M. P. Sparrow, B.A. Clare H.; B. Cobb, B.A. Corp. Chris.; S. Cumming, B.л. Pem.; A. W. Mason, B.A. Trin. PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-Е. Н. Lee, в.л. New Inn H. Of Cambridge.-J. P. Birkett, B.A. Jesus; C. F. Davies, B.A. Queen's; G. Kingsford, B.A. Corp. Chris. By the ARCHBISHOP OF YORK, at Bishopsthorpe, on Sunday, June 11. DEACONS. Of Oxford.-J. P. Marriott, B.A. Balliol; R. Rolleston, B.A. Univ.; R. F. Inman, B.A. Linc. Of Cambridge.-J. N. Fowler, B.A. Magd.; J. Kidd, S.C.L. Cath. H.; W. Duncombe, B.A. Queen's; R. G. Creyke, Β.Α. Cath. H.; H. с. Holmes, M.A. Cath. H. Of Durham.-J. Hill. B.A. Univ. PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-F. Watt, B.A. Univ. Of Cambridge.-J. Teague, B.A. Emm.; W. Ayton, B.A. Trin.; O. Flowers, B.A. Queen's. Of Durham.-G. Dacre, м.л. Univ.; J. Mason, Univ. Of Dublin.-W. Smith, B.A. Trin. By the LORD BISHOP OF LONDON, at the Chapel Royal, St. James's, on Sunday, June 11. DEACONS. Of Oxford.-J. Soper, B.A. Magd. H.; E. R. Twiss, B.A. Univ.; W. Rogers, B.A. Balliol; F. J. R. Lawrence, B.A Exet.; H. Nelson, M.A. St. John's. Of Cambridge. The Hon. A. Savile, M.A. Trin.; E. Rudge, S.C.L. Cath. H.; G. S. Drew, B.A. St. John's; J. Rickards, B.A. Trin.; R. King, S.C.L. Christ's; J. D. Watherston, B.A. St. John's; H. G. Roche, S.C.L. St. John's; J. B. Ansted, B.A. Christ's; W. Jephson, B.A. Corp. Chris.; F. W. Ellis, B.A. Trin.; G. Ridout, B.A. Emm.; S. Gall, B.A. Queen's; F. J. H. Rankin, B.A. Of the Church Missionary College, Islington.S. Crowther, T. Peyton, J. Hunter, F. Redford, N. Denton, C. F. Ehemann, G. T. Barencuck, D. Hechler. PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-C. C. Spencer, B.A. Queen's; W. D. Wilson, B.A. Wadham; C. J. Smith, B.A. Ch. Ch.; C. B. Wollaston, M.A. Exet.; A. Gordon, B.A. Magd. H.; W. Russell, B.A. New Inn H.; J. G. Brine, B.A. St. John's; W. c. Howell, в.д. Brasen. Of Cambridge.-R. E. A. Wilmott, B. A. Trin.; C. J. Elliott, M.A. Cath. H.; S. C. Headley, B.A. St. John's; H. Ludgater, M.A. Trin.; С. J. Fisher, B.A. Jesus; G. Phillips, B.A. Queen's; R. S. Tabor, Trin.; H. G. N. Bishop, в.д. Magdalene; J. Cohen, M.A. Pemb. H.; J. Thomson, B.A. St. John's. Of Dublin.-E. Johnson, M.A. Trin. Of the Church Missionary College, Islington.H. Mellon. Literates.-W. Krusé, R. Bellson. By the LORD BISHOP OF GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL, on Sunday, June 11, at St. Margaret's Church, Westminster. DEACONS. Of Oxford. M. Estcourt, B.A. Exet.; W. Hughes, B.A. Jesus; C. H. Johnson, B.A. St. Edm. H.; R. T. Mills, B.A. Magdalen; J. Pitt, B.A. Oriel; G. Protheroe, B.A. Brasen.; H. M. Stowers, B.A. St. Edm. H.; J. R. Woodford, B.A. Pemb.; L. C. Bathurst, B.A. Trin., J. W. Clapcott, B.A. Trin., G. Pretyman, B.A. New Inn H. (l. d. Bp. of Bath and Wells.) Of Cambridge.-G. H. Hodson, B.A. Trin.; R. G. Kingdon, B.A. St. John's; D. P. Lewis, B.A. St. John's; T. Mills, B.A. Trin.; E. Whateley, M.A. Trin.; J. B. Bunce, B.A. Clare H. (l. d. Bp. of Carlisle.) PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-С. В. Garside, в.д. Brasen.; R. W. Hippisley, B.A. Exet.; R. C. Patterson, B.C.L. St. Mary H.; A. Peache, B.A. Wadh.; G. T. Spring, B.A. St. Edm. H.; E. Wood, M.A. Magd. H.; J. Cooke, в.д. Balliol, W. Francklin, B.A. New Inn H., H. W. Guy, B.A. Exet., M. W. W. James, B.A. Oriel, J. Langworthy, B.A. Magd. H., J. P. Whalley, B.A. Univ. (l. d. Bp. of Bath and Wells.) Of Cambridge.-M. Cocking, B.A. Univ.; W. Miniken, B.A. Cath. H.; G. Hutchinson, B.A. St. John's, J. H. Kirwin, B.A. Fellow of King's (l. d. Bp. of Bath and Wells); W. Rowe, B.A. Caius (l. d. Bp. of Lichfield). Of Lampeter.-T. Williams, St. David's (l. d. Bp. of St. David's). By the LORD BISHOP OF WORCESTER, on Sunday, June 11. DEACONS. Of Oxford.-C. C. Adams, Mert.; J. F. Bickerdike, B.A. St. Edm. H.; W. G. Bradley, B.A. Brasen.; W. Lea, B.A. Brasen.; J. Merry, B.A. Queen's; G. S. Munn, B.A. Trin.; C. B. Turner, B.A. Balliol. Of Cambridge.-F. S. C. Chalmers, St. Cath. H.; W. Gover, B.A. Corp. Chris. R. Hickman, B.A. Emm.; F. G. Hughes, B.A. St. John's; A. C. Richings, B.A. Christ's; Т. В. Stevenson, B.A. Christ's; J. R. Young, M.A. Caius. Of Dublin.-R. Deverell, в.д. Trin. (l. d. Bp. of Ossory.) PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-G. Bayley, B.A. New Inn H.; A. Baynham, B.A. Pemb.; C. C. Beck, В.А. Ball.; J. Colville, M.A. Magd.; J. W. Fletcher, B.A. Brasen.; H. Hill, B.A. Wadh. Of Cambridge. -Е. Brine, B.A. Queen's; E. Illingworth, M.A. Clare H.; J. King, Β.Α. Queen's. Of Dublin.-J. Irving, B.A. Trin. (l. d. Abp. of Dublin); T. Tomlinson, B.A. Trin. (l. d. Bp. of Ossory.) By the LORD BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH, at Peterborough, on Sunday, June 11. DEACONS. Of Oxford.-G. A. Cuxson, B.A. Magd. H.; C. S. Gordon, B.A. Exet.; F. W. W. Martin, B.A. Balliol; S. H. Palmer, B.A. Ch. Ch.; G. Rawlinson, B.A. St. John's; H. W. Stair, Magd. H. Of Cambridge.-L. Fry, B.A. St. Peter's; W. Howlett, B.A. Jesus; T. Inman, B.A. Queen's; G. Macfarlane, B.A. Cath. H.; J. Oliver, B.A. Queen's; H. Roberts, B.A. Jesus; J. C. Reynolds, B.A. Christ's: J. Slade, B.A. St. John's; E. C. Sharpe, B.A. Christ's; J. Wing, B.A. Queen's. PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-Т. Bourne, B.A. St. Edm. H.; R. Watts, B.A. Magd. H. Of Cambridge.-W. Gardner, Queen's; W. Layng, B.A. Sidney; R. Middlemist, B.A. Christ's; J. Norman, B.A. Queen's; H. Pratt, B.A. Trin.; S. K. Webster, B.A. Emm.; G. Beresford, M.A. St. John's. By the LORD BISHOP OF LINCOLN, at Lincoln, on Sunday, June 11. DEACONS. Of Oxford.-В. Burgess, B.A. Exet. Of Cambridge.-J. N. Andrews, B.A. Clare H.; T. H. Bullock, B.A. Fellow of King's; E. G. Jarvis, м.в. Trin.; Z. Nash, B.A. Cath. H.; E. Owen, B.A. Sid. Sus.; W. Theed, B.A. Clare H.; E. B. Wroth, B.A. St. John's. Of Dublin.-R. P. Blakeney, B.A. Trin.; F. J. Leigh, в.д. Trin. PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-J. A. Birch, B.A. New Inn H.; О. Smith, B.A. Oriel. Of Cambridge.-G. Allott, B.A. Jesus; J. Atlay, B.A. Fellow of St. John's; B. Blenkiron, M.A. Trin.; F. Firman, B.A. Queen's; J. Green, B.A. St. John's; A. E. Julius, B.A. St. John's; W. P. Turton, B.A. Jesus. Literate.-T. A. Bolton. By the LORD BISHOP OF CHICHESTER, at Chichester. DEACONS. Of Oxford. R. Pratt, B.A. Merton; J. W. Miller, в.д. Exet. Of Cambridge.-C. G. Flint, B.A. Magd.; М. A. Smelt, B.A. Caius; F. A. Piggott, Μ.Δ. Trin. Literate.-C. Stuart. PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-N. A. Garland, B.A. Ch. Ch.; J. Morris, M.A. Brasen.; L. Slater, Β.Δ. Univ.; H. Mitchell, B.A. Lincoln. Of Cambridge.-A. Ramsay, B.A. Trin.; G. Wagner, B.A. Trin.; A. Stuart, B.A. Sid. Sus.; N. Gream, B.A. Magd. By the LORD BISHOP OF HEREFORD, at Hereford, on Sunday, June 11. DEACONS. Of Oxford.-J. H. Warneford, B.A. Worc. Of Cambridge.-J. Gawen, Trin. H.; S. H. Lee-Warner, B.A. St. John's; R. Towers, B.A. St. John's. PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-E. Green, M.A. Univ.; J. Hall, M.A. Brasen.; R. Hill, B.A. Worc., A. Oakley, M.A. New Inn H.; J. Smith, Magd. H. Of Cambridge.-S. F. Montgomery, М.А. Corp. Chris. Of Lampeter.-T. H. Jones, St. David's. By the LORD BISHOP OF EXETER, at Excter, on Sunday, June 11. DEACONS. Of Oxford.-A. A. Hunt, B.A. Exet. Of Cambridge. W. M. W. Call, B.A. St. John's; E. M. S. Sandys, B.A. St. John's; W. Sadler, B.A. Queen's; J. Stewart, M.A. Caius. PRIESTS. Of Oxford.-G. Arden, M.A. Wadh.; R. Bowden, B.A. Wadh.; P. F. Britton, B.A. Exet.; C. E. Hoskin, B.A. Exet.; J. L. Harding, B.A. New Inn H.; W. T. A. Radford, B.A. Exet.; H. S. Templer, s.C.L. New Inn H.; G. Woollcombe, B.A. Ch. Ch. Of Cambridge.-S. Brown, B.A. Jesus; J. V. Vivian, B.A. Trin. By the LORD BISHOP OF ELY, in St. George's Church, Hanover-square, on Sunday, June 18. DEACONS. Of Orford. D. Akenhead, B.A. Univ. (l. d. Bp. of Durham); Hon. C. F. Cranstoun, B.A. Jesus, F. Leigh, B.A. Magd. H. (l. d. Bp. of Lichfield). Of Cambridge.-J. H. Bullivant, B. A. Queen's, H. Claydon, B.A. Caius, G. J. Garton, B.A. Cath. H. (l. d. Bp. of Lichfield); J. Gibson, M.A. Fellow of Jesus; C. Macgregor, B.A. Cath. H. (l. d. Bp. of Lichfield); J. Power, B.A. Fellow of Pem.; C. A. Swainson, B.A. Fellow of Christ's G. M. Sykes, M.A. Fellow of Downing; R. Watt, M.A. Fellow of Trin.; H. G. Williams, M.A. Emm. Of Lampeter.-D. Evans, St. David's, (l. d. Bp. of Llandaff). Literate.-W. W. Griffith, (1. d. Bp. of Llan daff). PRIESTS. Of Cambridge.-F. France, M.A. Fellow of St. John's; W. Keane, MA. Emm.; W. Pattinson, B.A., A. Pyne, B.A. St. Peter's. By the LORD BISHOP OF DERRY AND RAPHOЕ, at Raphoe, on Sunday, June 11. DEACONS. H. C. Minchin, B.A. diocese of Killaloe; PRIESTS. Scriven, B.A., Hon. A. Stewart, B.A. diocese of Derry. By the LORD BISHOP OF DOWN AND CONNOR, at Hillsborough, on Sunday, June 11. DEACON. G. C. Smith, B.A. diocese of Connor. PRIESTS. H. W. Dancer, B.A., J. Finlay, B.A. diocese of Down; F. Gordon, M.A. diocese of Dromore; J. N. Griffin, B.A., J. A. Kerr, B.A. diocese of Connor; P. Moore, diocese of Armagh (l. d. Abp. of Armagh); A. Sherwin, B.A. diocese of Dromore; J. Woodroffe, B.A. diocese of Connor. By the LORD BISHOP OF KILDARE, at Carragh, on Sunday, June 11. DEACON. Of Dublin.-W. P. Walsh, B.A. Trin. (1. d. Abp. of Dublin.) PRIEST. Of Dublin.-T. Olpherts, B.A. Trin. (Southill-cum - Old (Warden, v.... Cambridge, v..... Name. Baker, J. G. A. Dolphin, J. W. H. Whitbread. £384 St. Saviour's, P.C......... Winchester. Parishioners.... Lincoln ..... Trin. Coll., Cambridge. (St. Andrew the Great, Ely D. & C. of Ely.......... Lord Carteret Thorpe Market, v. ...... Norwich.... Lord Suffield Exeter....... Bp. of Exeter (Llanstephan, P.c. and) St. David's. (Messrs. Morris, Llangunnock, P.c..) Lloyd, Esq. Val. Pop. (1267 Ely 660 400 18006 529 7535 120 49 St. James, Dudley, P.c. Worcester.. Lord Ward.. Lincoln...... Lord Chancellor Evans, B. East, J... Fawsett, J... Waddingworth, R. St. Michael's, Bath, R.. B. & W...... Lord Chancellor (Ovington, R. w. All-) Fisher, C. J. bright's Chapelry, London John Fisher, Esq......... 467 179 Fletcher, W.. ..... Harwell, v.... Oxford ... Sir J. Chetwode (St. Bartholomew, Bir- Worcester.. Rev. T. Moseley Peterboro'.. Rev. W. Minton Oxford....... St. John's Coll., Oxford 236 Harding, J. L...... Littleham Harvey, G. L....... Yate, R..... Heming, H.......... Northmoor, P.C. (Holy Trinity, Gains-) Lincoln..... borough, P.C. ........ St. Giles, Oxford Oxford Worcester.. Trustees.... J. Harrison 150 180 133 Jones, W. P. Marsden, T. Marsh, Dr...... Meade, J.......... Llanfrothen, R. Nunns, T............ St. Paul's, Leeds, P.c... Ripon........ Vicar of Leeds....... Blas- Pet. Peake, T. C......... (Hallaton, R. w. Blas Pedlar, G. H. Roberts, D... ton St. Michael ..... Holy Trinity, Exeter, R. Thenford, R.. Ch. Ch., Oxford 150 2708 89 360 (Rev. C. J. Bewicke, and) 646 1653 (Rev.G.O.Fenwicke, alt.) 73 Exeter....... D. & C. Exeter............ 111 2847 Pet. Lord Chancellor... Smith, O. Leadenham, R. Spencer, J. W...... Wilton, P.C... Sproule, J. W...... Portland Ch., Bath, P.C. B. & W. ... Tinkler, J. Landbeach, R. Ely Upwood, T. T...... Terrington, v.... Norwich.... The Crown 502 2061 (St. James' Emsworth, P.C... London..... London St. John's Coll., Camb. 666 12179 Booth, Dr..... Fenwick, J. Fletcher, W. APPOINTMENTS. (Vice-Principal and Professor of Mathematics in Liverpool Collegiate Institution. (Head Master of Ipswich Grammar School. (Head Master to Collegiate Gram. School, Southwell. Goodchild, W. G. Head Master of Free Gram. (School, Audlem. Harrison, B. ...... Six-Preacher of Cant. Cath. Johns, C. A. Six-Preacher of Cant. Cath. mercial School. Hanover. Wilkinson, C. A. Dom. Chaplain to King of Beresford, G., at Aylestone. CLERGYMEN DECEASED. Brocklebank, J., Rector of Feversham. Brown, J. R., Vicar of Prestbury. ADDITIONAL COLONIAL BISHOPRICS. Second Report.-"We, the undersigned Archbishops and Bishops, forming the Committee appointed to act in concert with Her Majesty's Government, for the erection and endowment of Additional Bishoprics in the colonies and dependencies of Great Britain, adopt this means of making publicly known the success with which it has ple pleased Almighty God to bless our undertaking hitherto, and the further objects which, in reliance on the same Divine aid, we hope to accomplish. "Two of the Bishops consecrated for Sees newly founded, have now been for some time in their respective spheres of labour. "1. The Bishop of New Zealand has, in a journey of six months by sea and land, completed the first visitation of his extensive diocese; and reports favourably of the progress of religion in those settlements. "2. The Bishop of Gibraltar, having resided some weeks at the Metropolis of his See, and for a considerably longer period at Malta, and having nominated an Archdeacon for the general superintendence of Ecclesiastical affairs in each of those places, is now engaged in visiting the several cities in which English congregations have been gathered together in the islands, and on the coasts, of the Mediterranean. Already he has exercised the functions of his office at Athens, Smyrna, and Constantinople, where, though there are considerable congregations in communion with our Church, no Anglican Bishop had ever before been seen. "3. The Bishop of Tasmania, who sailed for his diocese at the end of February last, undertook to remain for a few days at the Cape of Good Hope, in order to administer the rite of confirmation, so long intermitted, in a colony which urgently requires the care of a resident bishop. "Thus, within comparatively a short period, and, it may be added, by the Hancock, W., B.D., at Kilburn. Hartley, J., Chaplain at Nice. Layng, W. W., Vicar of Harrowden. Grey's, Oxfordshire. Salusbury, J. T., Rec. of St. Mary, Aldermanb. Sanderson, S., M.A., of Pem. Coll., Oxford. Smith, S., Rector of Ham. Thomas, A., of Leominster. efforts and offerings of comparatively few, three new Bishoprics have been erected, and the ordinances of the Church in their full integrity communicated to many thousands of her widely-scattered children. "But demands equal to any which have been met remain still unsatisfied. "1. The important colony of New Brunswick, equal in extent to one half of England, and rapidly increasing in population, has been too long without a resident Chief Pastor. The time, however, seems at length to have arrived for the supply of a deficiency so generally felt and acknowledged; and as a proof of the interest excited in New Brunswick, by the proposal of forming that Province into a separate Bishopric, it may be stated that the Governor, Sir William Colebrooke, has officially expressed his opinion in favour of such a measure, while the Chief Justice, the Solicitor-General, and other leading persons in the colony, are exerting themselves to raise a fund towards the endowment. "The Special Committee, to whom was entrusted the duty of soliciting subscriptions on the same behalf in this country, have estimated the necessary income at 1200l.; but though we are far from regarding such a provision as too great, we shall be prepared to recommend to Her Majesty's Government the appointment of a Bishop, as soon as a clear revenue of 1000l. a-year has been permanently secured. "A capital sum, therefore, of 30,000l. will be required. The contributions, which had only commenced in New Brunswick, amounted, at the date of our last despatches, to 2,150l., but a much larger sum was expected; and the Bishop of Nova Scotia had addressed a pastoral letter to the clergy and lay members of the Church,' recommending a collection in aid of the endowment fund, in every parish and mission of his Diocese. "Having taken these matters into our "These claims are all strong and undeniable; and, in commending them to the Christian liberality, not yet, we trust, exhausted, of the mother Church, we must not omit to put again prominently forward the not less pressing, and certainly more ancient claims, of the Cape of Good Hope and of Ceylon. "We propose, then, first of all, to recommend to Her Majesty's Government, as soon as the adequate endowment has been secured, the erection of a separate Bishopric for the Province of New Brunswick. "We shall afterwards direct our attention to the important Colonial Settlements above mentioned, in the order suggested by the joint considerations of their intrinsic claims, the offers of assistance, and the probability of success. "We must not conclude this statement of our proceedings and plans without expressing our thankfulness to Almighty God for the success which He has been graciously pleased thus far to vouchsafe to this first systematic endeavour to impart the full blessings of our Church to the colonies of this great empire, and beseeching Him to dispose the hearts of His people to carry on to its full completion a work undertaken for the furtherance of His glory, in the extension of the kingdom of His ever Blessed Son. serious consideration, and looking to the great urgency and importance of the case, we have determined to appropriate a large portion of the fund remaining at our disposal, namely, the sum of 20,000l. towards the endowment of a Bishopric in New Brunswick. Assuming that 50001. will be collected within the Province, it will only remain for the Church at home to raise an equal sum, in order to complete this most desirable work. And we cannot refrain from expressing an ardent hope that the public at large, and especially those connected by trade or property with New Brunswick, will make a new effort to provide the required amount. "2. Attention was directed, in our first report, to the want of a Bishop in the rapidly-growing settlement of South Australia; and the offer of land which has been made by a zealous proprietor of that colony renders it especially desirable that no unnecessary delay should occur in completing the organization of that infant Church. "3. The Bishop of Australia, though lately relieved from the care of New Zealand and Van Diemen's Land, is still charged with the administration of a diocese vastly too large for his effectual superintendence; and he, therefore, in a recent communication, pleads earnestly for the erection of a distinct Bishopric in the thriving settlement of Port Phillip. "4. In like manner, and with obvious reason, the Bishop of Calcutta has recommended the subdivision of his own enormous diocese, by the erection of a Bishopric for the Northern Provinces of India. W. CANTUAR. C. WINTON. E. DUNELM. JOHN G. ARMAGH. J. LINCOLN. RD. DUBLIN. G. ROCHESTER. C. J. LONDON. BISHOPRIC OF NEW BRUNSWICK.The Committee appointed to promote the endowment of a Bishopric in the Province of New Brunswick, earnestly request attention to the following extracts from the Second Report of the Archbishops and Bishops, under whose authority they are acting: "The important colony of New Brunswick, equal in extent to one half of England, and rapidly increasing in population, has been too long without a resident Chief Pastor. The time, however, seems at length to have arrived for the supply of a deficiency so generally felt and acknowledged; and as a proof of the interest excited in New Brunswick, by the proposal of forming that Province into a eparate Bishopric, it may be stated that e Governor, Sir William Colebrooke, has officially expressed his opinion in favour of such a measure, while the Chief Justice, the Solicitor-General, and other leading persons in the Colony, are exerting themselves to raise a fund towards the endowment. "The Special Committee, to whom was entrusted the duty of soliciting subscriptions on the same behalf in this country, have estimated the necessary income at 1200l.; but though we are far from regarding such a provision as too great, we shall be prepared to recommend to Her Majesty's Government the appointment of a Bishop, as soon as a clear revenue of 1000l. a-year has been permanently secured. "A capital sum, therefore, of 30,000l. will be required. The contributions, which had only commenced in New |