Eaton and Bradbury's Mathematical Series. AN ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY PLANE, SOLID, AND SPHERICAL. WITH NUMEROUS EXERCISES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE University Edition. BY WILLIAM F. BRADBURY, A. M., HOPKINS MASTER IN THE CAMBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL; AUTHOR OF AN ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA, ON TRIGONOMETRY AND SURVEYING. BOSTON: THOMPSON, BROWN, & .CO., 1880. Eifere T148.80.220 EATON AND BRADBURY'S Mathematical Series. USED WITH UNEXAMPLED SUCCESS IN THE BEST SCHOOLS AND EATON'S PRIMARY ARITHMETIC. EATON'S ELEMENTS OF ARITHMETIC. BRADBURY'S EATON'S PRACTICAL ARIHTMETIC. EATON'S INTELLECTUAL ARITHMETIC. EATON'S COMMON SCHOOL ARITHMETIC. EATON'S HIGH SCHOOL ARITHMETIC. BRADBURY'S ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. BRADBURY'S ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. BRADBURY'S ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY. BRADBURY'S GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY, in one volume. BRADBURY'S TRIGONOMETRY AND SURVEYING. KEYS OF SOLUTIONS TO COMMON SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL ONLEGE Nov 26, 1928, COPYRIGHT, 1877. BY WILLIAM F. BRADBURY. UNIVERSITY PRESS: JOHN WILSON & SON, PREFACE. THE favor with which the author's smaller work on Elementary Geometry has been received has induced him to undertake the present more complete work, in the hope that it may prove equally useful to the higher classes of learners for whom it is intended. While each Book has been made fuller, the same plan has, for the most part, been followed as in the former work: as in that, numerous practical questions illustrative of each Book, and theorems for original demonstration are introduced, serving as practical applications of the principles of the Book, and for discipline in discovering methods of demonstration. In addition to the exercises at the end of each Book many more, arranged in proper order, have been added at the close of the whole. These features are believed to be of special value in securing a real acquaintance with Geometry and its practical application. In the discussion on the area of the rectangle and the circle, and the volume of the rectangular parallelopiped and the sphere, a method different from that in the smaller work has been adopted as better for the class of learners for whom this work is designed. The direct method of proof has been used in propositions usually proved by the indirect (see 85, last part of 87, and 102, in Book I.). In the preparation of this work the author has obtained valuable suggestions from many European works on Elementary Geometry, and especially from the French works of Montferrier and of Rouché and Comberousse. |