Elementary Geometry: Congruent Figures

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Longmans, Green, 1879 - Congruences (Geometry) - 188 pages

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Page 133 - THEOREM. IF two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the...
Page 17 - If we suspend a weight by a string, the string becomes stretched, and we say it is straight, by which we mean to express that it has assumed a peculiar definite shape.
Page 112 - The sum of two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side, and their difference is less than the third side.
Page vi - Consequently, although the treatment of each subject will be strictly elementary, the fundamental facts will be stated and discussed with the fulness needed to place their scientific significance in a clear light, and to show the relation in which they stand to the general conclusions of Science. In order to ensure the efficient carrying-out of the general scheme indicated above, the Editors have endeavoured to obtain the co-operation, as Authors of the several treatises, of men who combine special...
Page v - ... a way that it may serve as a basis for more advanced study. In conformity with the special object of the SERIES, the attempt will be made in all cases to bring out the educational value which properly belongs to the study of any branch of Science, by not merely treating of its acquired results, but by explaining as fully as possible the nature of the methods of inquiry and reasoning by which these results have been obtained. Consequently, although the treatment of each subject will...
Page v - NOTWITHSTANDING the largo number of scientific works which have been published within the last few years, it is very generally acknowledged by those who are practically engaged in Education, whether as Teachers or as Examiners, that there is still a want of Books adapted for school purposes upon several important branches of Science.
Page 112 - America, but know that we are alive, that two and two make four, and that the sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side.
Page 108 - THEOREM. The greater side of every triangle is opposite to the greater angle ; and, conversely, the greater angle is opposite to the greater side.
Page 153 - A point is within, on, or without the circumference of a circle, according as its distance from the centre is less than, equal to, or greater than the radius.

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