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" When the index of the logarithm to be divided is negative, and does not exactly contain the divisor without some remainder, increase the index by such a number as will make it exactly divisible by the index, carrying the units borrowed, as so many tens,... "
A Course of Mathematics: For the Use of Academies as Well as Private Tuition - Page 170
by Charles Hutton - 1812
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An Introduction to Algebra: With Notes and Observations: Designed for the ...

John Bonnycastle - Algebra - 1782 - 226 pages
...propofed. 3. Find the number correfponding to this quotient, and it will be the root required. Note, When the index of the logarithm, to be divided, is negative, and does not exaftly contain the divifor ; increafe it by fuch a number as will make it exactly diviiible, and carry...
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Encyclopędia Britannica: or, A dictionary of arts and sciences ..., Volume 12

Encyclopaedia Britannica - 1810 - 816 pages
...the number by the indes of the root, and the number anfwering to the quotient is the root louglit. When the index of the logarithm to be divided is negative, and does not exaitly contain the divifor without fome remainder, increafe the index by fuch a number as will make...
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A Course of Mathematics ...: Composed for the Use of the Royal Military ...

Charles Hutton - Mathematics - 1811 - 406 pages
...found by the index of the root. Thent the number answering to the quotient, will be the root. Note. When the index of the logarithm, to be divided, is...decimal, and then divide as in whole numbers. Ex. l.To find the square root of 365. Numb. Log. Power 365 2)2-562293 Root 19-10496 1-281146^ Ex.2. To...
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The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Containing All the Instructions ...

Robert Gibson - Surveying - 1811 - 592 pages
...Index of the proposed root ; the quotient is a Logarithm, whose natural number is the root required. When the index of the Logarithm to be divided, is...carrying the units borrowed as so many tens to the left hand place of the decimal, and then divide as in whole numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Required the square...
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An Introduction to Algebra: With Notes and Observations: Designed for the ...

John Bonnycastle - Algebra - 1811 - 230 pages
...proposed. 3. Find the number corresponding to this quotient, and it will be the root required. .Vote. — When the index of the logarithm, to be divided, is...negative, and does not exactly contain the divisor, increase it by such a number as will make it exactly diyisible, and carry the units borrowed, as so...
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Mathematical Tables;: Containing the Common, Hyperbolic, and Logistic ...

Charles Hutton - Mathematics - 1811 - 574 pages
...without a remainder, increase it by such a number as will make it exactly divisible; and carry the unite borrowed, as so many tens, to the left-hand place of the decimal part of the logarithm ; then divide the results by the index of the root. 137 Er. l. To find the square...
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The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Containing All the Instructions ...

Robert Gibson - Surveying - 1814 - 562 pages
...Index of the proposed root ; the quotient is a Logarithm, whose natural number is the root- required. When the index of the Logarithm to be divided, is...carrying the units borrowed as so many tens to the left hand place of the decimal, and then divide as in whole numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Required the square...
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A New, Copious and Complete System of Arithmetic: For the Use of Schools and ...

James Maginness - Arithmetic - 1821 - 378 pages
...index of the proposed root; the quotient is a logarithm, whose natural number is the root required. When the index of the logarithm to be divided is negative,...carrying the units borrowed as so many tens to the left hand place of the decimal, and then divide as in whole numbers. EXAMPLES. 1. Required, the square...
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The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Containing All the Instructions ...

Robert Gibson - Surveying - 1821 - 592 pages
...Index of the proposed root ; the quotient is a Logarithm, whose natural number is the root required. When the index of the Logarithm to be divided, is negative, and does not exactly contain the divisorwithout some remainder, increase the index by such a number, as will make it exactly divisible...
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A Course of Mathematics: For the Use of Academies, as Well as Private ...

Charles Hutton - Mathematics - 1822 - 616 pages
...found by the index of the root. Then the number answering to the quotient, will be the root. Note- When the index of the logarithm, to be divided, is...find the square root of 365. Numb. Log. Power 365 2) 2-562293 Root 19-10496 1-2811464 Ex. 3. To find the 10th root of 2. Numb. Log. Power 2 - - 10) 0-301030...
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