The Merchant's Magazine: Or Trades Man's Treasury ...

Front Cover
C. Coningsby, 1719 - Arithmetic - 260 pages

Common terms and phrases

Popular passages

Page 271 - Be it known that as well in own name as for and in the name and names of all and every other person or persons to whom the same doth, may, or shall appertain, in part or in all...
Page 272 - Ship, &c., or any part thereof ; and in case of any Loss or Misfortune it shall be lawful to the Assured, their Factors, Servants, and Assigns, to sue, labour, and travel for, in, and about the Defence, Safeguard, and Recovery of the said Goods, Merchandises, and Ship, &c. , or any part thereof, without prejudice to this Insurance ; to the charges whereof we, the Assurers, will contribute each one according to the rate and quantity of his sum herein assured.
Page 265 - Vicar, &c. of the faid pari(h and pari(h church, (hall •fhali' and will well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid...
Page 260 - Ship called the whereof is Master for this present Voyage and now riding at Anchor in the and bound for to say being marked and numbered as in the Margin, and are to be delivered in the like good order and well conditioned...
Page 260 - In witness whereof the Master or Purser of the said Ship hath affirmed to three Bills of Lading, all of this Tenor and Date, One of which three Bills being Accomplished, the other two to stand Void.
Page 267 - ... or thing, from the beginning of the world, to the day of the date of thefe prefents.
Page 125 - ... the giving a sum of money in one place for a bill, ordering the payment of it in another place.
Page 272 - And so we the assurers are contented, and do hereby promise and bind ourselves each one for his own part, our heirs, executors, and goods to the assured, their executors, administrators, and assigns for the true performance of the premises...
Page 74 - To reduce a mixed number to an improper fraction, Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction, and to the product add the numerator; under this sum write the denominator.

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