A FRENCH ETON OR MIDDLE-CLASS EDUCATION AND THE STATE TO WHICH IS ADDED SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES IN FRANCE BEING PART OF A VOLUME ON SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES ON THE CONTINENT' PUBLISHED IN 1868 BY MATTHEW ARNOLD London MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1892 Curicat All rights reserved C THE first part of the present volume consists of a reprint of A French Eton originally published in 1864. This is followed by that portion of the book on Schools and Universities on the Continent (1868) which deals with Secondary Education in France. A Preface, which Mr. Arnold wrote in 1874 when the German portion of the latter book was published separately, but which was afterwards omitted, has also been reprinted. о 51. 120 A FRENCH ETON OR MIDDLE-CLASS EDUCATION AND THE STATE A LIVELY and acute writer, whom English society, indebted to his vigilance for the exposure of a thousand delinquents, salutes with admiration as its Grand Detective, some time ago called public attention to the state of the "College of the Blessed Mary" at Eton. In that famous seat of learning, he said, a vast sum of money was expended on education, and a beggarly account of empty brains was the result. Rich endowments were wasted; parents were giving large sums to have their children taught, and were getting a most inadequate return for their outlay. Science, among those venerable towers in the vale of the Thames, still adored her Henry's holy shade; but |