Photography cannot be learned in a day. It requires years of patient study and application to acquire even a limited degree of proficiency. We have attained a high standard, and are keenly alive to all that pertains to progress in our profession. Come and reap the benefits of our knowledge and get a thoroughly artistic photograph. Our styles and prices are so graded that everyone can afford something in our line. Come and see what we are doing. GAY'S STUDIO 44 North Main Street, FALL RIVER, MASS. CITIZEN'S SAVINGS BANK INCORPORATED DECEMBER, 1851 SOUTH MAIN STREET, cor. BEDFORD STREET FALL RIVER, MASS. Deposits received daily from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and draw interest from first Monday of Marcb, June, September and December OFFICERS JOHN C. MILNE, President GEORGE H. EDDY, Secretary E. E. HATHAWAY, Treasurer WILLIAM F. WINTER, Assistant Treasurer E. F. BORDEN, Teller BOARD OF INVESTMENT HENRY H. EARL, JOHN C. MILNE, JAMES M. SWIFT, SAMUEL W. HATHAWAY, WILLIAM F. THOMAS Dividends, Second Monday in June and December. Discount, Tuesday Annual Meeting, Second Monday in June EDWARD M. CORBETT Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor CONTAINING A COMPLETE RESIDENT, STREET AND Compiled and Published by A. E. FOSS & CO. Copyright by A. E. Foss & Co., 1910 JOSEPH M. DARLING ARCHITECT 56 North Main St., Fall River, Mass. BOTH TELEPHONES I. CHESTER POOLE, D. O. 204 HIGH STREET, FALL RIVER, MASS. TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. GEO. W. SLADE E. B. LANE B. S. C. GIFFORD ALLEN, SLADE & CO. Wholesale Grocers and COMMISSION MERCHANTS 18, 26 and 30 Third Street and 1 William Street, New Bedford COFFEE ROASTERS and SPICE GRINDERS MARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY DEPOSITED BY MASSACHUSETTS STATE LIBRARY MAY 7 1935 A. Homer Skinner Lumber Co. 6th St., between Bedford and Pleasant Sts. Complete Stocks of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER Constantly on Hand Also Windows, Sash, Window and Door Frames, Cypress, Fir and Redwood Doors, Mouldings and Inside Trim. PROMPT DELIVERY LOW PRICES J. L. POPE, Manager GIVE US A CALL |