Dir 679 TIVERTON DIRECTORY M. STEINERT & SONS CO. Branch of the Famous Boston House Steinway & Sons Hay, Grain, Fish, Fruits, Meats and Confectionery. Gasolene Engine Supplies- Riverside Drive. Opposite Station TIVERTON, R. I. 8169 ико STACK-DIRECTORIES, FRANK B. ALBRO, Pres. FRANK L. ALLEN, Treas. THE FRANK L. ALLEN LUMBER CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER, Laths and Shingles CARLOADS AT REDUCED PRICES DR. SEARS 231 So. Main St., FALL RIVER, MASS. JAMES MARSHALL, President C. L. HOLMES, Treasurer Dividends Second Mondays of June and December Deposits draw interest from FIRST MONDAYS of MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER and DECEMBER. Bank hours from 9 a.m. to 2 p. m. UNION SAVINGS BANK INCORPORATED 1869 14 South Main Street, FALL RIVER, MASS. Deposits received daily from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and Saturday Evenings, 6 to 8 OFFICERS JEROME C. BORDEN, President CYRUS C. ROUNSEVILLE, FREDERICK O. DODGE, Vice-Presidents MELVIN B. HORTON, Sec'y. ADAM W. GIFFORD, Treas. BOARD OF INVESTMENT Jerome C. Borden, Cyrus C. Rounseville, Frederick O. Dodge, A. Homer Skinner, Thomas D. Covel. Deposits made on or before the 18th of February, May, August and November commence to draw interest from the 15th of these months. DIVIDENDS PAYABLE MAY 19 AND NOVEMBER 19 |