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Pastor, Rev. Clayton E. Delamater.

Sunday services: Sunday School, 1.45 p.m. Preaching, 2.45 p.m. Evening service at 7.30.

Friday evening at 7.45.

HOLY CROSS (EPISCOPAL), West Main rd., cor. Oliphant lane. Pastor, Rev. Frederic W. Goodman.

Sunday services: Preaching, 2.30 p.m. Sunday School, immediately after preaching service.


Rector, Rev. L. Grisworld.

Sunday services: 11.00 a.m. Sunday School. Prayer service.


ST. GEORGE'S SCHOOL, (Episcopal.)

Middletown, R. I. P. O. and station, Newport, R. I. master, Rev. John B. Diman, A. M.

Congdon, Carpenter & Co.


Harness, Robes, Whips,
Paints, Heavy Hardware,
Blacksmiths' Supplies.



Resident Directory

Post Office, Newport, Rhode Island.


Ag., agricultural; agt., agent; asst., assistant; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bldg., building; blk., block; cor., corner; clk., clerk; com. trav., commercial traveler; emp., employe; h., house; ins., insurance; J. P., Justice of the Peace; lab., laborer; mfr., manufacturer; M. B. N., Melville Branch, Newport; pl., place; P. O., post office; prof., professor; prop., proprietor; rd., road. After the name of a street the word "street" is omitted.

Adams, Albert W., emp. and bds. H. I. Chase's, Chase's lane. Adlercron, Rudolph L., Capt., h. Tuckerman ave., (P. O. Newport), (in summer.)

Alagoa, Manuel, bds. J. A. Peckham's, Wapping rd., (M. B. N.) Albro, Arthur, poultry raiser, h. East Main rd., (M. B. N.) Albro, Edmund A., painter, h. King Fisher ave., n. Indian ave., (M. B. N.)

Albro, Elsie M., bds. G. H. Albro's, East Main rd., (M. B. N.) Albro, George H., farmer, h. East Main rd., n. Portsmouth line,

(M. B. N.)

Albro, Joseph F., farmer, h. King Fisher ave., (M. B. N.)
Allen, Henry, h. 40 Vernon ave., (P. O. Newport.)
Allen, Lusana E., emp. and bds. L. H. Sisson's, Wapping rd.
Allen, Robert T. S., emp. and bds. L. H. Sisson's, Wapping rd.
Allen, William H., painter, h. 40 Vernon ave., (P. O. Newport.)
Almy, William N., carpenter, h. East Main rd., (M. B. N.)
Amelia, Rosa, emp. and bds. J. L. Simmons', West Main rd.,
(M. B. N.)

Anderson, Christian B., bds. A. H. Hazard's, Jr., Greenend ave., (P. O. Newport.)

Andrews, Frank W., Mrs., h. Maple ave., (P. O. Newport.) Andrews, Walter S., h. Maple ave., (P. O. Newport.)

Anthony, Albert A., farmer and milkman, East Main rd., h. do.

to 135 Second St.,

W. G. Pearse & Co., FALL RIVER, MASS.

Harness, Horse Furnishings, Turf Goods, etc.

81 to 89 Pleasant St.

Wordell & McGuire Co. FALL RIVER, MASS.

Everything that man or boy wears

Anthony, Alfred C., book-keeper, h. Chase's lane, (P. O. Newport.)

Anthony, Arthur R., motorman, h. West Main rd., (M. B. N.) Anthony, Benjamin T., painter, Third Beach rd., (M. B. N.), h. do.

Anthony, Elizabeth P., school teacher, h. Wyatt rd., (P. O. Newport.)

Anthony, Emily A., Mrs., h. Chase's lane, (M. B. N.)
Anthony, James, sheriff, h. West Main rd., (M. B. N.)
Anthony, John H., farmer, h. Wyatt rd., (P. O. Newport.)
Anthony, Joseph M., clk., h. 42 Vernon ave., (P. O. Newport.)
Anthony, Joseph S., farmer, h. West Main rd., (M. B. N.)
Anthony, Mary, Miss, h. Turner's lane, (P. O. Newport.)
Anthony, Susan A., Miss, h. East Main rd., (M. B. N.)
Anthony, Theodora G., student, h. Wyatt rd., (P. O. Newport.)
Arnold, Frances R., Miss, h. Third Beach rd., (M. B. N.), (in

Balboa, Erlena, emp. and bds. A. L. Chase's, West Main rd., (M. B. N.)

Bacheller, J. B., blacksmith, (Newport), h. East Main rd. Bacheller, Nellie H., school teacher, h. East Main rd., (P. O. Newport.)

Bailey, James, bds. I. L. Sherman's, East Main rd., (M. B. N.) Bailey, Mary S., Miss, h. off West Main rd., n. Newport line, (P. O. Newport.)

BAILEY, PERCY T., wire fence, etc., West Main rd.,. M. B. N.), h. do.

Ball, Alwin, Jr., real estate, etc., (New York), h. Indian ave., (M. B. N.), (in summer.)

Bancroft, Wilder D., (New York), h. Tuckerman ave., (P. 0. Newport), (in summer.)

Barker, Alden P., farmer, h. Paradise ave., (P. O. Newport.) Barker, Archibald L., h. Turner's lane, (P. O. Newport.) Barker, Ashton C., farmer, h. Turner's lane, (P. O. Newport.) Barker, Clarence E., lab., h. Valley rd., (P. O. Newport.) Barker, Clarke T., farmer, h. Oliphant lane, n. East Main rd., (M. B. N.)

Barker, Elsie B., Miss, h. Turner's lane, (P. O. Newport.) Barker, Elvira L., Mrs., h. Paradise ave., (P. O. Newport.) Barker, Ernest M., chauffeur, h. Oliphant lane, n. West Main rd., (M. B. N.)

Troy Store

4th and Pleasant Sts.

Most Complete Department
Store in Fall River

All Sections Connected with BELL

Free Suburban Delivery

Barker, James H., farmer and milkman, Paradise ave., h. do.,

(P. O. Newport.)

Barker, James T., farmer, h. East Main rd., (M. B. N.)
Barker, Laura A., Mrs., h. Paradise ave., (P. O. Newport.)

Barker, Lyman H., market gardener, Paradise ave., (P. O. New

port), h. do.

Barker, Mumford P., farmer, h. Oliphant lane, (M. B. N.) Barker, Sarah J., Mrs., boarding house, Paradise ave., h. do.,

(P. O. Newport.)

Barker, Walter S., teaming and jobbing, East Main rd., h. do. Barker, William A., h. West Main rd., (P. O. Newport), (in


Barker, W. Scott, painter, h. East Main rd.

Barry, Henry, emp. and bds. A. A. Anthony's, East Main rd.,

(Μ. Β. Ν.)

Batonyi, Aurel, real estate, West Main rd., h. do.

Bell, Elizabeth, Mrs., emp. and bds. J. T. Carr's, Mitchell's lane. Bennett, Emeline I., dress-maker, Paradise ave., h. do., (P. O.


Bennett, Florence E., dress-maker, Paradise ave., h. do., (P. 0. Newport.)

Bennett, Frances, Mrs., h. Paradise ave., (P. O. Newport.) Bennett, Frank J., professional singer, h. Paradise ave., (Р. О.


Berry, James D., motorman, h. West Main rd., (M. B. N.)
Bishop, Thomas, gardener, h. Tuckerman ave., (P. O. Newport.)
Blair, John D., gardener, h. Berkley ave., (P. O. Newport.)
Blake, Horace, h. Chase's lane, (P. O. Newport.)

Bliss, Edward N., carpenter, h. Jepson lane, (M. B. N.)
Bliss, Martha C., Mrs., h. Jepson lane, (M. B. N.)
Bliss, Sarah E., h. Maple ave., (P. O. Newport.)
Bloomfield, James K., gardener, h. Boulevard, (P. O. Newport.)
Bonat, Marie L. L., h. Indian ave., (M. B. N.)

Bookstavier, Mary B., Mrs., h. First and Second Beach ave.,

(P. O. Newport), (in summer.)

Bowen, Frederick, farmer, h. West Main rd., (P. O. Newport.) Boyd, James, gas fitter, (Taunton), h. Greene's lane, (in sum


Brandt, Frank, market gardener and milkman, West Main rd.,

(M. B. N.), h. do.

Brier, John, book-keeper, h. West Main rd., (M. B. N.)

Brigham, Arthur A., gardener, h. East Main rd., n. Forest ave., (P. O. Newport.)

Brooks, James H., teamster, h. West Main rd., (P. O. Newport.) Brown, Abraham A., farmer, h. Berkley ave., (P. O. Newport.) Brown, Albert G., lab., h. Third Beach rd., (M. B. N.)

Brown, Benjamin T., farmer, h. off Mitchell's lane, (M. B. N.) Brown, Chester B., farmer, h. Greenend ave., (P. O. Newport.) Brown, David A., farmer, bds. A. A. Brown's, Berkley ave., (P. O. Newport.)

Brown, Early B., farmer, h. Greene's lane, (M. B. N.)

Brown, Edward A., provisions, (Newport), h. West Main rd.,. (P. O. Newport.)

Brown, Eugene I., clk., h. West Main rd., (P. O. Newport.) Brown, Hattie M., bds. N. B. Brown's, Greenend ave., (P. O. Newport.)

Brown, Ida, Mrs., bds. J. T. Peckham's, off Wapping rd., (M. B. N.)

Brown, Julia W., Mrs., h. Wyatt rd., (P. O. Newport.)

Brown, Mary J., Miss, h. Brown's lane, (P. O. Newport.)
Brown, Nathan B., farmer, h. Greenend ave., (P. O. Newport.)
Brown, Philip A., farmer, h. Brown's lane, (P. O. Newport.)
Brown, Sarah W. A., h, Brown's lane, (P. O. Newport.)
Brown, Spencer F., carpenter, bds. N. B. Brown's, Greenend ave.,
(P. O. Newport.)

Brown, William L., carpenter, h. West Main rd., (M. B. N.) Brownell, H. S., Mrs., (Providence), h. Indian ave., (M. B. N.), (in summer.)

Bull, William T., Mrs., (New York), h. West Main rd., (in summer.)

Bull, Charles M., broker, (New York), h. West Main rd., (in summer.)

Burbridge, Harry, motorman, h. Livingston place, (P. O. New


Burtham, Frederick, farmer, h. Paradise ave., (P. O. Newport.) Butler, Moses S., emp. and bds. A. W. Chase's, Paradise ave., (P. O. Newport.)

Cabral, Joseph, lab., h. Wapping rd., (M. B. N.)

Calvert, Ida V., Mrs., h. Greenend ave., n. Third Beach rd., (M. B. N.)

Calvert, William R., conductor, h. West Main rd., (M. B. N.)

129 to 135 Second St.,

W. G. Pearse & Co., FALL RIVER, MASS.

Incubators, Brooders, Poultry Supplies of all kinds.

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