COVEL & OSBORN CO. Troy Building, FALL RIVER DEALERS IN DOORS, SASH and BLINDS AND ALL KINDS OF Builders' Supplies SOLE AGENTS H. M. John's Mfg. Co. Mixed Paints THE VERY BEST IN THE MARKET LARGE STOCK LOW PRICES 139 Pleasant Street, Fall River, Mass. ESTABLISHED 1815 A. & H. G. HAMMETT Dealers in Lumber, Hardware, Brick, Cement, Lime, Sewer Pipe, OUR POLICY Is to sell reliable goods with merit; goods of quality that we can stand behind and guarantee; to sell at a fair profit, make prompt deliveries and treat you courteously always. Thanking you for your patronage in the past and hoping to receive a share of it in the future, we are Respectfully yours, General Commission Agents Personal attention given to the care and rental of Estates "MEET ME AT BARNEY'S " PIANOS The best pianos made in both Grands and Uprights. Convenient terms to those who do not care to pay cash. TALKING MACHINES Edison and Victor-complete stock of both machines and records SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS The Latest Popular and Classical Music Our Piano Tuning and Repairing Department, with a large force of expert workmen, awaits your orders They can rebuild your piano if necessary. QUALITY CONSIDERED, WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD BARNEY'S MUSIC STORE 140 Thames Street, Newport, R. I. |