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" April, 1930. 2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, — (a) 'child... "
Calendar - Page 51
by University of Allahabad - 1908
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The Unrepealed Central Acts of the Governor General in Council ..., Volume 7

India - Law - 1904 - 326 pages
...Parganas and the Pargana of Spiti ; and (3) It shall come into force on the first day of April, 1901. 2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, — (a) " ferry " includes every bridge and other thing which is a ferry 1 For Statement of Objects and Reasons,...
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University of Calcutta - 1906 - 1522 pages
...were " " " " '" ' '" """ reepectievly established and incorporated. (2) In this Act, nnless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, —...institution affiliated to or maintained by the University : (fc) the expression "the Government " means in relation to the University of Calcutta the Governor-General...
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The Industrial Organization of an Indian Province

Theodore Morison - Agriculture - 1906 - 344 pages
...called the Co-operative Credit Societies Act, 1904 ; and (2) It extends to the whole of British India. 2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context — (a) ' By-law ' means a rule made by a society in the exercise of any power conferred by this Act, or by...
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University of Allahabad - 1907 - 528 pages 2. (1) This Act shall be deemed to be part of each Interpretation. of the A°ts b? which the "if five Universities were respectively established and...institution affiliated to or maintained by the University ; (&) the expression " the Government " means in relation to the University of Calcutta the Governor-General...
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Calendar, Part 1

University of Calcutta - Universities and colleges - 1907 - 458 pages may be. 2. (1) This Act shall be deemed to be part of each of the Acts .. . by which the said five Universities were '"'' "'•'"' ""• respectively...institution affiliated to or maintained by the University : (b) the expression " the Government " means in relation to the University of Calcutta the Governor-General...
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University of Allahabad - 1909 - 638 pages
...of each ¥ . . of the Acts by which the said Interpretation. ,. TT • ... five Universities we 'e respectively established and incorporated. (2) In...institution affiliated to or maintained by the University; (b) the expression "the Government" means in relation to the Unive sity of Calcutta the Governor-General...
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Calendar, Part 1

University of Calcutta - 1911 - 446 pages
...which the said five UniversiInterpretation. ties were respectively established and incorporated. (9 ) In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in...institution affiliated to or maintained by the University : (b) the expression " the Government " means in relation to the University of Calcutta the GovernorGeneral...
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University of Allahabad - 1912 - 918 pages
...(1) This Act shall be deemed to be part of each . . of the Acts by which the said five n erpre a ion. Universities were respectively established and incorporated....institution affiliated to or maintained by the University ; (b) the expression "the Government" means in relation to the University of Calcutta, the Governor-General...
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University of Allahabad - 1913 - 692 pages
...each Interpretation. ?Tf the .Acts b? ^hich the said five Universities were respectively estabished and incorporated. , (2) In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context — (а) the term "College "or "affiliated College" includes any collegiate institution...
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The Law of Extradition from and to British India

Alexander Phillips Muddiman - Extradition - 1914 - 238 pages
...has been declared to come into force from 1st June 1904, see Gazette of India, 1904, Pt. I, p. 364. 2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,— (a) " European British subject" means a European British subject as defined by the Code of Criminal Procedure...
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