An Easy Grammar of Geography: Intended as a Companion and Introduction to the "Geography on a Popular Plan for Schools and Young Persons"...R. Phillips, 1811 - 144 pages |
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An Easy Grammar of Geography: Intended as a Companion and Introduction to ... J Goldsmith No preview available - 2015 |
An Easy Grammar of Geography: Intended as a Companion and Introduction to ... J Goldsmith No preview available - 2014 |
An Easy Grammar of Geography: Intended As a Companion and Introduction to ... J. Goldsmith No preview available - 2020 |
Common terms and phrases
ancient town Arabia Archipelago Asia Asiatic Turkey Austria Bengal brazen meridian Canton Cape capital Caspian Sea celebrated chief cities chief rivers chief towns China considerable province considerable town Coromandel coast degrees difference of longitude divided earth East Indies eastern coast ecliptic Egypt empire equator Europe European Turkey Examples for practice famous formerly Geography Germany gulf Hindoostan Holland horizon India inhabitants Ireland islands belong islands situated isles Italy kingdom of Africa lake Lapland large country large river largest latitude latitude and longitude London longitude Lower Saxony Mahometan maps Mediterranean miles moon mountains noon North America northerly northern Norway Ocean partition of Poland Persia principal rivers principal towns pron province of France province of Spain province of Sweden Rhine right ascension Russia Saxony Scotland sea-port town star strait strong town sun is vertical sun's place Sweden Switzerland Tartary town of France Turkey turn the globe West Indies
Popular passages
Page 68 - Find the latitude of the given place, and elevate the north or south pole, according as the latitude is north or south, so many degrees above the horizon as are equal to the latitude...
Page 54 - Bring one of the places to the brazen meridian ; mark its longitude ; then bring the other place to the meridian, and the number of degrees between its longitude and that of the first mark is the difference of longitude.
Page 59 - Find by the last problem, the place to which the sun is vertical at the given...
Page 59 - Find the place to which the sun is vertical at that time, and bring that place to the zenith, and set the index to the upper twelve : then turn the globe till the...
Page 32 - Between the narrow branches of the northern extremity of the Red Sea, are Mount Sinai and Mount Horeb, on which are several cells or chapels possessed by monks. Here also is the wilderness where the children of Israel, on quitting Egypt, wandered forty years before their entrance into Canaan.
Page 68 - Rectify the globe to the latitude of the place ; bring the sun's place in the ecliptic to the meridian, and set the index to 12.
Page 67 - Def, The right ascension of any heavenly body is its distance from the first meridian, or that which passes through the first point of Aries, counted on the equinoctial.
Page 54 - Rule. If the places are in the same hemisphere, bring each to the meridian, and subtract the latitude of the one from that of the other; if in different hemispheres, add the latitude of the one to that of the other, and the sum will show the difference of latitude.
Page 65 - To find the Latitude and Longitude of a Star. Put the centre of the quadrant of altitude on the pole of the ecliptic, and its graduated edge on the star; then the degree of the quadrant cut bv the star is its latitude; and the degree of the ecliptic cut by the quadrant is its longitude.
Page 57 - Only double the time of the sun's rising that day, and it gives the length of the night ; double the time of its setting, and it gives the length of the day.